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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-16-2004 at 8:48pm
Current mood: overly happy
Music: 88.3 and 89.9 WAY FM
Subject: "I belong to you, you're the one who'll never let me down I belong to you..."
This isn't really an entry it's more of a question. What do you put in the memories section?? Anyone is welcome to share that information if they want!! Please and Thank you my lovely fellow woohu-ers. Mucho amor, rock on.


They're gonna' be home in like, 2 1/2 hours!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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02-17-04 12:42am

The "Memories" thing is used to put your favorite entries from any journal in it.

Hope it helped.

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Re:, 02-17-04 4:04pm

thank you mucho deeply!!

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