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glitterkisses (profile) wrote, on 2-16-2004 at 9:25pm | |
Just About You:: What's your name?: Jess Any nicknames?: Gercrude and Pappy How old are you?: 15 Forget your real age - Characteristically how old would you say you are?: samefemale Are you male or female?: female What do you look like (Yes I know you have 2 arms and legs)?: Redhair, 5'3, blue eyes, curly hair What do you do for a living?: school like any other teenager Would you rather be doing something else?: no, gotta finish school like everyone else Do you have any siblings? If so how many and how old are they?: yes nick-17 katti-20 Tell me one thing about yourself no one else knows:: I'm scared of thunder Still About You Just A Little More Random:: Are you a part of any other site aside from GJ? Which one/s?: nope Have you ever done anything someone else would call crazy?: who hasn't You mentioned how you look above...would you say it suits you?: sure What characteristic would you say is uniquely you?: umm...dont know What can you do physically that you believe makes you stand out?: i can bend my finger to my arm What is the one thing about yourself that you are most critical of?: attitude What is the one thing about yourself that you are most proud of?: Being a good loving person What would you say is your greatest accomplishment?: having the friends I do Describe your personality in 5 words only::: sweet, funny, caring, loving, bubbly Look at yourself from a friends perspective. Describe in 5 words::: same Is there anything you would change about yourself? What is it?: hands What would you never change about yourself? Why?: hair, because no one else has it Are you a good friend? In what way do you think so?: yes, otherwise I wouldn't have best friends Do you believe in second chances?: sometimes Who do you look up to most?: jess Are you an extrovert or an introvert?: depends Do you enjoy being the center of attention or do you prefer to blend in?: depends You go somewhere and know no one, do you mingle or wait to be approached?: both What do you think is completely unforgivable?: murder Have you done anything "unforgivable"? Have you been forgiven?: not sure, if so...I hope so Wierd Info-Share:: Are you superstitious?: yea.. Can you do anything wierd with any of your body parts?: the finger bending thing Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex?: nope If you were an animal what would you be?: panda bear Could this animal be tamed (aka: Can YOU be tamed)?: sure why not You are laying in bed, what is on your right-hand side? Whats on your left?: wall and a nightstand What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?: turn off my alarm What are your top 5 peeves?: 1-liars 2-jerks 3-my parents 4-math 5-being 15 What are your top 5 fetishes?: 1-abercrombie colonge 2-good smelly people 3-grapes 4-passionate kisses, the perfume people! lol 5-blink 182 *mark* grawls How long does it take you to get out of the shower/bathroom?: umm two seconds? Are you high maintenance or low maintenance?: high How long would you say it takes you to get ready for a date?: hour or hour and a half maybe? Have you ever sunbathed nude?: nope Are your nails real or fake?: most of the time fake lol What is the last thing you will share with anyone?: my bestfriend pappy! :) What is your beauty regime (aka: What is your beauty routine)?: shower, clothes, make up, hair What do you do to pamper yourself?: sometimes What is your favorite scent?: for me, passionate kisses. On guys abercrombie!!! Are you a neat-freak or a "leave it where it lands" sort of person?: neat freak Regardless of your gender which are you most comfortable with?: guys What will you most likely compliment the opposite sex for?: smelling good, and baby blue eyes Would you rather be on time looking: um... What undergarment do you put on first?: never really thought about it Is it what goes off first as well?: umm same as above You don't love either, but who would you marry your friend or your lover?: friend, cos you can obvisouly stand them if you're friends What is the sexiest attribute a guy can have?: THE COLOGNE BABY! What scent (on a guy) can drive you absolutely wild?: ABERCROMBIE GOOD GOD IM TELLING YOU! Grooming:: Do you shower or bathe?: shower How long do you tie up the shower/bathroom for?: up to an hour What is your post-shower/bath routine?: shower Have you ever pee'd in the shower?: no, yuck, that's gross Have you ever worn anything two times in a row?: only when I didn't have clothes You just showered and realize you have no clean underwear, what do you do?: lol well unlike *cough* _ _ _ _ _*cough* lol What is a hygiene "no no" for you (What would gross you out to NOT do)?: taking a shower Do you bite your nails?: nope What is your most attractive attribute?: hair What body part would you say people notice first about you?: hair Would you change anything about your body? What?: hands too short Is there anything you are most associated with (Smelling great-etc...)?: SMELLING GOOD GOSH DANG! What's in your bag/purse?: everything, lip gloss, chap stick, perfume, lotion, make up, wallet, moeny, tickets, letters, keys, everrything, my world lol What do you NOT leave home without?: my purse Bring On The Grub (Food):: How many kinds of cereal are there in your pantry?: tonz! Describe the perfect sandwich::: lol the perfect sandwhich?? What is the last thing you would eat no matter how hungry you were?: SUSHI! Do you watch how you eat when you are around people or could you care less?: dont care less What is the last thing you ate?: grapes What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?: stawberry dacari If you could have anything to drink right now what would it be?: strawberry dacari Create the ultimate dish, what is it, and who would you make it for?: I would make it, grapes,muskmellon, and watermellon *yum yums* The dishes are dirty - Who does them?: PAPPY!!!! lol no seriously, the dishwasher What was wierdest food combo you have eaten?: grapes and ceral Do you have any wierd cravings?: GRAPES What is your favorite candy?: idk You have only one candy/chocolate left...who do you give it to?: PAPPY Miscellaneous - Isn't This Fun:: Are you a heavy sleeper or a light one?: lol let's ask Jess.... Which do you prefer: Night or day?: depends, probably night You just got home from work/school - What do you do?: *$%@(#$ MATH!!! grrr What is your favorite quote? Why?: A best friend is someone who know's you and loves you anway, because Jess fits into it perfectly What is your favorite smell (rain,grass,gasoline,lighter fluid)?: ABERCROMBIE COLONGE!! Choose one sense (touch,sight,taste,hearing,smell):: Why?: hearing! -music What is your most cherished childhood memory?: my dad teaching me and my older borther and older sister how to ice skate on the pond in our back yard What was your favorite stuffed animal as a child?: the teddy bear I still have my dad gave me Who was your best childhood friend - Are you still friends today?: yes, JESS! hehehe I love her! Where would you be if you weren't where you are right now?: I'm still with Jess :):):) What country would you love to revisit?: revisit? I’m never visted any other country than this one. Which could you live without::Emotion or Intelligence?: Neither If you had to sell one, which would it be your body or your soul?: ehh too tough What is your signature cuss word?: umm….fuck I guess What in your opinion was the ultimate cartoon growing up?: By far, it has to be Power Rangers, we ALL KNOW IT WAS! DON’T LIE!!! What don't they air anymore and you think they should bring back?: Sorority Life Who is your favorite person?: You baby! Who is your least favorite?: you know who Choose 5 friends to take with you to a deserted island:: Who are they?: Jess, Katie’s, Devon, Linds, and Shannon. Which breakfast cereal are you?: Fruit Loops If you weren't doing this what would you be doing instead?: Downloading music This Or That:: That Sunrise or Sunset?: Sunset Loving or Being IN love?: Being in love Intelligence or Humor?: Humor Funny & Plain or Exciting & Superficial?: Exciting and Superficial Going to bed late or Sleeping in late?: Both Eggs:: Runny or Scrambled?: Scrambled Potato chips or Corn chips?: chips are yucky A long hug or A short kiss?: A long hug Comfortable or Sexy?: Comfortable Romance:: Exhilerating & Short or Long-lived & 'Dependable'?: Long lived and Dependable Just For The Heck Of It:: Which element would you say describes you (fire,water,air,earth)?: Air Would you say your birth sign suits you? Why? If not which does? Why?: Doesn’t really matter to me I guess. Who is your favorite online buddy (choose 5 maximum)::: Jess, Andy, Austin, Shannon, and Will Pick a salad dressing that just "makes the salad"::: I only like the red stuff What was the last dream you are annoyed you didnt get to finish?: When me and Jess went on a road trip last night actually Let's Talk About Love:: Do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love?: Yes *See previous question* Do you believe there really is a difference?: Yes, I believe being in love you know will eventually end. Loving someone, means loving them forever. But hey that’s just what I think. Have you ever been in love? What does it feel like to you?: Never been in love. Sorry. Has your perspective on love changed over the years?: Most defiantly. Do you fall in love easily?: No, never been in love. Would you say you guard your heart?: Yes, I believe I would. So tell me...are you loveable?: You tell me? Briefly - What do you want out of a relationship?: Someone to love with all my heart, someone to love me with all they know me, understand me, or at least try very hard, and will always be there for me to make the rain go away and sun come out. Briefly - What do YOU bring into a relationship?: Everything above. Do you believe there is a difference between fate and destiny?: I don’t believe in either one. *See previous question* Do you believe you are in charge of either of them?: They don’t exisit! They’re in people’s mind. Do you know who you want? If so who is it?: Who do I want? That’s a silly question. You don’t chose, love chooses you. Can you see yourself with this person in 5 years?: ….. Could you see yourself settling down with this person?: …… Do you believe in 'soul-mates'?: No I don’t. Is this person yours (Your soul-mate)?: There is no person. In 10 words:: How do you feel about this person?: STOPPPPPPPPPP What would you most likely say when you see him - I want you or I love you?: well if their WAS a someone I would say I want you, not I love you because god people throw that word around wayyyyyy to much! When Was The Last Time You:: Had a meaningful conversation? With whom?: Today, with Shannon. Feel like you learned something from someone?: Everyday by my family and friends. Told someone you loved them (non-family members)?: Willma, my BESTEST best friend! You laughed at something until your sides ached?: umm….hmm…awhile ago. You fought with someone? About what?: bah who else, andy! And I don’t know why. You actually took the time to write something to someone and send it?: Yesterday. Heard a song that actually spoke to you?: Today. Showed someone how you truly feel and felt words werent needed?: dunno You hugged someone for absolutely no reason?: I never hug anyone for no reason, I hug people cos I love them. You told someone you were sorry and meant it?: Hmm…willy. You did something humiliating?: lol when I fell in the pool yesterday. You did something mean?: haha today, nick yea…lol Someone called you just to say "Hi"?: Katie Jo You let someone see you at your worst and felt fine with it?: Katie Jo You said "Goodbye"?: bah….lets not… You did something just for the heck of it?: Today Let yourself cry?: Like a week ago Told someone you appreciated them?: Shannon today You met someone and felt it was the best thing that ever happened to you?: yup…J You said "Thank you"?: To my dad today You fell in love?: Never have Enjoyed your own company?: Today at the gym Read a good book? What book was it?: Do school books count? Watched a really good movie? What movie was it?: Pearl Harbor just a week ago Danced as if no one were watching?: hehe Valentines Night at Club REvolution Finish This Sentence:: I want::: you to say your sorry I wish that::: you wouldn’t be such a jerk The one thing that bothers me::: is you’re a hypocrit I think::: that you don’t even care _______makes me laugh::: Adam Sandler I am in love with::: my puppy (Pepper) I love::: my pappy! You can't define::: the way you make me feel when you act like this The only way to succeed is::: to fail Emotions are::: a bitch, but we all have to deal witht them Hallmark cards are::: Sweet, but sometimes too cheesy Karma is::: ? Home is where::: Cedar Springs I regret::: that weekend Tomorrow I will::: Go back to school _______pisses me off::: when you act like you have no heart Now For Some Music:: Write the first sentence of a song that describes your life::: Let’s go back to the begining What song do you swear was written about your life?: Breathe by Michelle Branch What song do you believe will be played at your wedding?: Amazed by Lonestar What song describes you when you are upset?: I just wanna be mad-Terri Clark What song would you not be caught dead listening to?: Techno Write the last sentence of the song that describes your relationships::: Everything little thing you do, baby I’m amazed by you. More on YOU:: What dessert are you?: ???? Would you rather tell someone how you feel or show them?: It really depends on who it is I’m trying to tell or show it too. Someone kneels before you - What do you say?: Sweeite, please stand up. Do you have any unfinished business with anyone?: You know it. But sometimes that’s just the way the boat floats What do you want to remembered by?: Loving all my friends and family You overhear a friend talking about you - What is she/he saying?: You tell me Are you straight-forward or do you beat around the bush?: Depends on the situation, now doesn’t it? What is friendship?: Someone who knows all about you,a nd love you anyway. This quiz is over:: React::: How do you feel?: Sad, because now I have nothing to keep my busy. Would you subject others to this quiz?: If you’re bored If so why? If not then why not?: It’s a good time saver. |
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.j.e.s.s. | 02-19-04 10:08am jess are you online? leave a message in my journal if you are...