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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-18-2004 at 6:11pm
Current mood: Lovely, just lovely.
Music: my family...
Subject: "Oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day..."
Hola mi amigas y mi amigos!! Como estas? Yo estoy bien!! Sorry, I was in the mood for espanol. So what's up everyone? I had softball today, joyful, we sprinted... a lot. I got done w/ the running part where me and my friends were sprinting the hallways and then Reed made us sprint again... against eachother. He made us rocker step too though so I guess it's kinda' different. But yea... that was fun! *rolls eyes*

I'm in a very good mood today, I don't really know why though. meh, oh well. Shelly, Stephy, and I were hanging out at the school until about 4. It was quite fun!! There were a whole ton of FFA people there and I got to meet Donavan (the "hot guy" in Shelly's religion class). I have to admit he is pretty darn hot. I took a picture of Nick Vietti w/ Lizz' camera, just cause I was in a weird mood I guess. I was talking to everyone and singing and dancing w/ Shelly. It was fun stuff I tell you, just awesome!!! I've gone insane, obviously, though if you know me you'll say that that happened a LONG time ago. hehe. Oh well, insane is fun!!

So about Rob... again. I couldn't think of anything to say about him before and so I will now. He's quite awesome, to hang out w/ and talk to... stuff like that. But I don't know, certain people *cough* Michelle *cough* say that he's a tad playerish. (not incredibly hard to believe... j/k) I still love him!!! okay I'm gonna' stop now... he has been mentioned so I can! hehe I'm evil at times!!

I got to go now!! I love you all mucho grande. Rock on. Have the lovlies of days!

Mucho amor,
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02-18-04 9:51pm

playerish?? thats a new one. but oh well, if you dont know me or anything i can see how you'd think that. i guess. but as long as you still love me! lol


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Re:, 02-19-04 3:21pm

ahh... but do I know you? I'm not sure, I might. I was just going by what Michelle said. Oh and they took a poll on the bus today to see how many people thought we should go out... it was sad. But most of them voted yes. Don't worry, I don't take what they say seriously most the time!! They're odd... meh. okay buh bye now! rock on.

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Re: Re:, 02-19-04 8:10pm

hm........ most of the time.??? oh well........ what do you think about it?


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Re: Re: Re:, 02-19-04 9:11pm

about which part??

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