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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-19-2004 at 3:29pm
Subject: "How do you "DO" a guy?" -Shawna "I don't just do Rob" -Me
Hola everyone!! Yes the subject is odd I know but you'd have to be standing next to me right now and ride my bus to understand the context of them. So no freaking out and thinking bad thoughts!!

Today was kinda' cool. Ellie looked like a neon sign at a dark store! It was great. I wonder how far the message on a purple paper bag went!? hmmm... that should be interesting!!! If you don't know what that is... then you obviously weren't near us at lunch today cuz everybody there knew what it was. hehehe. ;) It was greatly funny! Okay sorry I'll stop.

Why is it that everyone is so depressed lately?? I'm perfectly happy and I know a lot of other people who are too but I also know many who aren't. It's odd. I guess it could be home life or something... I don't know. I live in my home not their's so yea.... But anyway, if you're depressed I am officially setting out on a campaign to cheer you up and make you happier! Okay? Okay. I know I know, it sounds dumb, but every little bit counts. And hey, at least I'm trying!!!

Okay well I suppose I'll stop writing now... not much more to say. Mucho amor, abrazas grandes!! Rock on. Have the lovliest of days!!

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02-19-04 4:07pm

rob as in me??? explain

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Re:, 02-19-04 6:36pm

okay see, I was reading your journal and when I got done Steph said "okay you're done now let me check my e-mail." So w/o thinking I said "I don't just do Rob!" When in reality I meant I don't just read your journal I read all the journals of my friends on here. So yea... it just went along w/ what Shawna said on the bus so well that it was hilarious and Steph told me to put it as my subject quote. So I did. I guess it probably looks really bad from outside view tho... oops!! Next time I'll think about that! Okay buh bye now. Rock on, have an awesome day!!

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Re: Re:, 02-19-04 8:08pm

oh, okay.
i um....... see......


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Re: Re: Re:, 02-19-04 9:09pm

yea... i didn't really think you'd get it. ya' had to be there!

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02-19-04 7:49pm

jay, u the best! thats soo cool and i love u!!

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