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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-19-2004 at 6:44pm
Current mood: contemplative
Music: always
Subject: Ahh... what corrupted lifes we lead.
Okay so here's the thing. I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately, stuff that is important not ohh my gosh that thing was so stupid type stuff. You see, lately religion is becoming a major part of my life. It always has been but if you've noticed just recently I have been majorly into youth group w/ Katie and Christian music. But the thing is at the same time I've (for some unknown reason) been becoming this rebel w/o a cause. I don't get it. I know most people see me as a good girl who could never do anything wrong... not really wrong that is. But to me the things I've been doing aren't normal. Examples? I've gotten no dresses in P.E. just because I don't want to particpate, I've been converted to think all perverted like the guys I hang out w/, I've been getting really bad grades on papers in BMMT and other supposedly easy classes, I talk to my friends and don't pay attention during class, I mouth off to teachers (mostly Mr. Evans the TA in algebra), and there are probably more things that I'm just not thinking of at the moment. I just don't understand how that could happen?! Not only that but I've also been thinking about how lucky we are to live where we do. Our school is so un-cliquey. We're basically all friends w/ eachother, and we like it. In other schools cliques are all too common and that's not good for the self-esteem of kids now is it? I think not. Yes we do have our share of people who are just plain stupid and people who think their better than the rest of us. But it's definetly not a major problem. So I think instead of complaining like we all have been lately we should think about the good thing in our lifes. Could it hurt? I think not, at least not as much as the other stuff.

Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox... and the psyciotrists couch and stop. But think about the second part okay? Please and Thank you!! Mucho Amor, rock on. Hasta Luego.

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02-19-04 7:10pm

do you have msn?

or yahoo, because we haven't really talked in a looonng time. and, we used to be really close you know? i just hate to see that happen.

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Re:, 02-19-04 9:07pm

i agree... and actually i have both yahoo and msn. msn:
yahoo: Jacqui_loves_you

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02-19-04 7:46pm

re's gettin to ya. lol jk re. we love u. i think u'll be ok jay, its the middle of the year and its gettin to ya. lylas mucho grande as always

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