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allmysinsx (profile) wrote,
on 2-19-2004 at 7:54pm
i went to the orthodontist today, i got my new retainer, the other one was too small, and it was pretty funny today, because the assitant likes, " now lets me see you take it out" and i popped it out using my tongue.. she wasnt too impressed, lmao, i guess she doesnt know this is like my 5th or 6th retainer

tomrrow is friday =) the snows melting, im going shopping on sunday, friends in on it five minutes, life is good man!!,

lol... eh, my math grades coming up!!! its like a 40, yea man!!, speaking of school, i have a civics test, i can never pass her test, quizzes, ITS SO HARD!!, didnt we just like take a test? i thought we did, anywayz, thats all, bye
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05-17-04 9:04pm

my mom is definitly not a good whisperer she thinks i cant hear her talking to my fayher... but i can... jesus


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