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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 2-21-2004 at 12:00pm
Current mood: blank
Music: strangled by osker
Subject: boredisimo
What is your favorite..
gum:extra the dark green kind
restaurant:umm...don't really have one
drink:chocolate milkshake
season:winter...u get to cuddle!
type of weather:snowy..eventhough i've never seen it
thing to do on a half day:go out, sleep hehe either one
late-night activity:listen to music, while talkin to someone i like
sport:to watch? football ... to play? soccer or basketball
city:nyc...eventhough i've never been there hehe that.. or miami
store:walmart baby whooo! hehe
When was the last time you..
cried:george...enough said
played a sport:um..last time i went to donna's house we played around the world *basketball* a minute ago hehe..
hugged someone:um..sad but yesterday afternoon...shilpa hehe
kissed someone:hmm..on the lips? spanish guy...december
felt depressed:not too long ago
felt elated:not too long ago
felt overworked:again...not too long ago hehe
faked sick:i dont do that
lied:um...a couple of weeks ago
What was the last..
word you said:yep
thing you ate:honey bun
song you listened to:the mistakes you make by osker
thing you drank:water
place you went to:school
movie you the movies? haha sad but spy kids 3d....
movie you rented:um...scary movie
concert you attended:never been to one
Who was the last person you..
hugged:shilpa wilpa
cried over:george
kissed:spanish guy
danced with:um...corrasco
shared a secret with:shilpa
had a sleepover with:my cousin? like fifty bazillion years ago
called:donna bonana
went to a movie with:donna, cesar, and nick
saw:spy kids 3d...hehe
were angry with:donna
couldn't take your eyes off of:colin
obsessed over:^^^ hehe...nah i wouldn't say im obsessed...i just like the boy
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:heck yea!
kissed someone:yep
done drugs:no
drank alcohol:yes
slept around:no
partied 'til the sun came up:well...with my cousins? hehe
had a movie marathon:yes...cept it was just me
gone too far on a dare:yes
spun until you were immensely dizzy:haha all the time!
taken a survey quite like this before:kinda ya...

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!
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02-21-04 2:26pm

my name isnt donna bonana...its just donna...hehe..dorkface

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Re:, 02-21-04 2:41pm

not wit me it's not!

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Re: Re:, 02-21-04 4:51pm

hehe okay im donna bonana...but only to one person and thats you...soo shhh...

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