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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-21-2004 at 1:46pm
Current mood: Incredibly Happy!!
Music: television
Subject: I have such a story to tell you all!!
Hey everyone!! Guess what?! Yesterday was the best day of my life so far!! It really was. So I have to tell you a story so that you understand the wonderfulness of it all, okay? okay.
See, last night when we got home from school everything was normal and we were just talking when my mom called. Nothing odd there really, except that she called on her cell phone. You might not find that odd but I did because she doesn't get out of work until 4ish most of the time. So then she said that my dad had a surprise for us, he was gonna' take us somewhere and she said to be dressed in something warm and red. That automatically made me think we were going to see the Griffens or the b-ball game. But then Steph and I were talking and she said, "Red Wings?" And I thought not a chance. So when my mom got home she refused to tell us but she said it's somewhere she thought we'd never be able to go together... which made us think that the Red Wings could be a posobility. Then my dad got home and changed... what he was wearing let me know exactly where we were going. He was wearing his Red Wings hat and pullover thing. Steph and I freaked out... majorly freaked out!! It was SO completely awesome!!!!!!! It wasn't a lot different from a Griffens game except the arena was HUGE and there were thousands and thousands of people there... oh yea, and there were TV camera's everywhere! I was the happiest person on Earth I swear. I can't believe it actually happened, yay! :D

Anyway... I must be off now. Have the lovliest of days. Mucho amor, rock on.

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02-22-04 12:35am


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02-22-04 10:51pm

oohh somebodies really fricken lucky

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