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tuwang (profile) wrote, on 12-24-2002 at 6:08pm | |
hey. I'm bored. Me and my brother went to the mall today and got my mom some perfume for christmas. I smelled like woman for the rest of trip. It's amazing to me how technical people can be when they are talking about perfume. first of all, they don't call it perfume, they call it "a fragrance". Number 2, they all speak french. Number three, Musk and Clean are very commonly used words. Number 4, always ask if old people buy the perfume, this one lady forgot to tell us this, and I go to my brother, I go, THis stuff smells like old people, and the lady goes, well, older women are more likely to buy it. And so we put that one out of the question. Well that's all. | |
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Tabletop | 12-25-02 10:59am heh, my mom bought me Jovan Sex Appeal or some shit. She thought it was funny as hell. |