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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2004 at 1:44am
Current mood: angry
Music: Nope.
Subject: Damn math!
Blast these damn word problems! Blast them all to hell!!!!!!!!!!! -_-

I have asked Nick. He had to go because the aunt was calling. I have asked Gwen. Of course she was lost. And also sleepy = p. I asked Alex. He was lost. I asked Alex(ander). He just would not help me. I asked Lindsey. She helped me greatly with one, but I did not want to pester her with MATH = p. I asked Kyle. He tried and tried but could not get any to work. I asked my older brother. He tried numerous ways and even went to get his math book (He is in college fro the second stuff). He could not get 'em. DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh well.. Thank you all for helping somewhat...

Nick...did you get them all??? I shall kill you happily if you did. = ).

I really need to sleep.
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02-23-04 8:39am

If I lie, will you still kill me?

(reply to this)


Re:, 02-23-04 7:07pm


Sure! Why not?

But why do you want to be dead now? O_o

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