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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-23-2004 at 7:18pm
Current mood: Happy and cold
Music: the sound of the keys under my fingers
Subject: Ya' know that the world's in bad shape when people get licked by sheep at school.
So, today was rockin'. Except math, that class sucks. Now that Mr. Evan's teaches it, it's a lot harder. The guy is a moron. He is really slow too. With Taylor we got at least 10 minutes in every class period to do our homework but with him the most we get is 2. Oy, stupid man.

Anyway, my birthday is in 25 days. It seems close!! But it's really not is it? That's just evil. But hey I don't care, I'm excited.

Just in case you wondered, Cherie is the person who got licked by the sheep at school.

I'm bored out of my mind!! Softball was for varsity only tonight (tho some freshmen went anyway) and I have been home WAY too long. Seriously, it's bad. Not that home is horrible, it just gets boring. And the parentals are at conferences right now so yea. I might need to hide in my room, and if I don't get on here for a while you'll know why. hehe. Yea, not good.

Lalala. I'm happy, for some reason, and I like that. yay! I can't wait until spring break. Allie's havin' her party sometime after, or before. It's gonna' rock!! Tonz of people are invited. If it's anything like her bonfire last summer, it'll be a blast. I'm so excited!! :D

Okay I'll let you go back to the wonderous lifes that you lead. Have a wonderful day. Mucho amor rock on.

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and now 24, 02-24-04 3:26pm

24 days Jacqui..24
he he i went to softball lol :D

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