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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-24-2004 at 3:51pm
Current mood: energetically drained
Music: Hit List
Subject: You create your own joy... and stupid people create your frustration!!
Hola. Today was joyful... in that odd sort of way. I got to skip 4th and 5th hour. Yay! Ya' gotta' love that. But it was for an evil reason. Cardiologist appointment. Just lovely. Meh, what are ya' gonna' do? Besides, Doc Lasina rocks!!

So, p.e. is the most evil class on earth. i love playing basketball and all of that crap but gettin' all sweaty and crappy looking first hour? That sucks majorly!! oy. But whatever, it's required... nothing I can do.

Guess what guess what!!? I get to go straight to American Lit. next year!!! Yay!! I'm sooo happy. Steph didn't even do that and she's a freakin' genious!! I finally can do something better than Steph. Do you relize that the girl can even be better than me at softball?! It's crazy, I've played that for 5 years and she does it for like 1 and is better!? Ahh life. Ain't it grand? lol. Yea but, I still have mucho amounts of excitment in me!! YAY!!! lol. Sorry I'm insane, I know, I accept it.

Falala. Mr. Reed is a crazed lunatic. I love that in a teacher! hehe. And a coach... of course. He's awesome. But he almost killed me beacause of a thing that happened in BMMT. Don't ask me what it was, because I'm not going into detail for a reason. But yea. But I told him what happened and he understood so yay, I am not hated!! lol.

Okay I shall talk to you all later, mucho amor rock on.


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02-24-04 4:42pm

oh, oh, tell me!!!


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Re:, 02-26-04 4:00pm

meh... i told u not to ask!! lol evil

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02-24-04 8:34pm

How come you get to go straight to American Lit. next year? And how'd you find out?

Gah.. Because, I don't want to go to some lame ass bullshit of an English class.

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Re:, 02-26-04 3:56pm

VanDerHeide told my parentals that she liked my writing and wants to show it to Dolbe so yea, that rocks!

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