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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 2-25-2004 at 11:05pm
Current mood: awake
Music: Everclear: Why I Don't Believe In God
Felt like posting some humor I stumbled across today:

A penguin who has car trouble, stops at a small town garage, and goes down the street to a diner for a tuna salad sandwich while he waits. When he returns to the garage, the mechanic says, "Looks like you've blown a seal." And the penguin wipes his mouth and says, "No, it's just some mayo."


I was kicked out of the boy scouts for eating a brownie.
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02-25-04 11:18pm


Thank you. That made my day. Is that brownie thing true?

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Re:, 02-25-04 11:36pm

Nope, never had any interest in Girl Scouts (or any girl for that matter) besides the cookies they sold.

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02-25-04 11:25pm

so dirty, but so damn funny!

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