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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-26-2004 at 3:26pm
Current mood: Mood's are evil.
Music: the keys
Subject: "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine"
Okay so, I saw Passion of the Christ last night. It was SO sad. But it was a really really good movie! Katie Williams and Blaine were there too. We all basically thought the same things while watching it. It really makes you think ya' know? Jesus went through so much for us, and how do we repay him? By acting selfish and sinning. Oy. The worst part of it is though, that I can't stop thinking about things in my life. Things that are stupid and pety. I hate that. I've tried not to, but I just can't not think about it. I guess it's a hard habit to break.

So yea, anyway. I met the coolest guy today. His name is Nick Hazen. I know a lot of you probably know him but I didn't until now. He's so awesome! He gave up talking for lent. So we had to play charades whenever we talked to him, and I love charades!! ;) (those of you whom I tell everything will know what I am speaking of *cough* cherie *cough*)

Is tomorrow's basketball game the start of playoffs?? Cuz that would suck. I would actually have to pay!! grr... lol. Austin said they're playing Unity so the game promises to rock! Oh and If anybody wants to go and hang out w/ me they're welcome to. And they're welcome to come to the "hoedown" afterward too... hint hint clue clue. Dances rock so much!! lol. I have an obsession.

Okay go back to your wonderful lifes now. Mucho amor rock on. Have a lovely day filled w/ laughter and peanut buttery fog!! (I told you trying to think about important things in life was hard!!)

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02-26-04 4:22pm

who are you hinting to?

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02-26-04 9:23pm

oh man!!! that would be awesome to give up talking for lent!!

i'm so doin that next year. or could i start now?

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