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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-28-2004 at 2:12pm
Current mood: energetic
Music: Music choice
Subject: Life happens!
Hey my people! ;) Yesterday was deeply fun. We won the game!!! yay. And the dance was really fun. I hung out w/ Jeremy, Blaine and Kayla the whole time. We had the oddest group of people hanging out together though. I've never hung out w/ some of those people before... at least not that much. It was joyful. The dance contest rocked. Keegan (hope I spelled that write) was really good it's cool that he was one of the winners. But I gotta' agree w/ Rob on the whole Liz shoulda' won thing. She's cool.

So today is boring... deeply. It's really nice outside and I really wish that the snow would leave so I could do something out there. Not that there's a lot to do, but that's not the point.

Oy, life's confusing ya' know that? It kinda' sucks. My mom for some reason seems like she doesn't trust me.... I don't get it. I didn't do anything at least not recently. ;) Just kidding. I really haven't done anything that would make me seem untrustworthy. And yet she acts like I'm some freakish serial killer or something. Whatever she wants to think I suppose. Meh, parental units suck.

Well I shall talk to all of you lovely people Monday. Oh and Rob if you're reading this, I'm still gonna' get you back for the hat thing! *laughs evily*

Mucho amor, rock on.

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02-28-04 3:58pm

no your not, and if for some odd reason you do, i'll just get you back for that. its a vicious circle :P


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Re:, 02-28-04 4:45pm

That's okay, gotta' love a good vicious circle!


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02-28-04 5:51pm

its ok my mommy and daddy don't trust me either.

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