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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 2-28-2004 at 5:29pm
Current mood: content
So Everyone, The Results Are In!

In a poll of 111 Cedar Springs High School Students of which 68% were on the honor roll:


30% Have used marijuana
67% of those who used marijuana are on the honor roll

53% Have used alcohol.
72% Of those who used alcohol were on the honor roll

32% Have been intoxicated.
72% Of those who were intoxicated were on the honor roll

26% Have smoked cigars or cigarettes.
76% Of those who had smoked cigars or cigarettes were on the honor roll

14% Have used other illegal mind altering substances.
67% Who used other illegal mind altering substances were on the honor roll.

All those who used other illegal mind altering substances had also used one of the above (marijuana, alcohol/intoxicated, or smoked cigars/cigarettes).

9% Of those polled had used marijuana, alcohol, became intoxicated, smoked cigars/cigarettes, and had used illegal mind altering substances in the past 6 months at least once.
70% of those were on the honor roll.

56% of Cedar Springs High School students have participated in using drugs in the past six months.

44% of Cedar Springs High School students have not participated in any drug use in the past six months.

35% of students polled believes that marijuana should be legalized in the United States.
67% of those people were on the honor roll.

This survey/poll was completely anonymous and voluntary. Thank you for all those who participated.
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02-28-04 6:29pm

This survey/poll was completely anonymous and voluntary. Thank you for all those who participated.

How do you have an involuntary survey? Do you hold them down and threaten them?

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Re:, 02-28-04 8:28pm

anythings possible

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Re:, 02-29-04 3:33pm

Well, it was "voluntary" because anyone who said they didn't want to take it wasn't yelled at or threatened or anything. I mean, if you do that kind of stuff and you don't want people to know, you shouldn't be forced, or feel forced to discuss it.

Besides, yeah, i can see me pinning some guy that's like 6'5" foot tall and 220 pounds to the floor and making him take my survey....can't you?

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02-28-04 9:52pm


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03-07-04 2:28am

It answers everything. I've never even seen weed before, let alone used anything bad or drank anything bad for me. Yet I have never been on the honor roll, I think I found the solution to that. Not really. Drugs are bad! Just be dumb without drugs like me. I can't even fail another class. Woohoo class of 2019!!! Yeah!

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