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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 2-28-2004 at 8:00pm
Music: none
Subject: Cripple Cripple Cripple
Hey..finally I'm writing in this...its cause there is nothing to do. You know what I hate? Pop-ups..they are so damn annoying I just want to grab and cut its pop up...haha I really don't know what I'm talking about right now because. So um...yesterday and the past days I went to school...and yesterday I went to see the "Passion of the Christ" with Alexander - -[he hasnt been to the movies in 4 years lol], Yelitza and Ashley. I cried its such a violent,emotional,crazy,unvbelievable movie. I felt so different after watching that just makes you think. :-( it's sad. But yeah on to happier subjects. Well there really isnt any, just content. So today I did a lot of cleaning, not going out tonight, Amandas a cripple right now lol...just kidding. Well I'm out byee
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goats, 02-28-04 10:16pm

i think yur a smelly piece of goat tail

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Re: goats, 02-28-04 10:48pm

lol and your um goats

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