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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 2-29-2004 at 3:36pm
Current mood: bouncy
Yesterday I went to flute choir, and then after i got home from shopping, Jessie came and picked me up and we went to the movies with her sister and her friend. We saw 50 first dates. I doubt Adam Sandler can be in a bad movie.

I stayed the night at Jessie's. We stayed up until almost 2am. And talked. I realized just how much i talk about *insert subject matter here* and how much i *insert verb and use a pronoun for subject matter here*.

eh, it's just because i'm stupid. But i can't help it. Anyway, i have a ton of homework to do. Blah blah blah.
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03-01-04 6:20am

haha most people would just say *insert word here* but Michelle she's got it down to the subject nonimatives and adjective pronouns and shit.

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Re:, 03-01-04 6:24pm

Yeah, that's just the kind of freak i am :).

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03-01-04 8:28pm

ehh never said you were a freak but what ever works for ya

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