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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-1-2004 at 6:06pm
Current mood: No moods, just me.
Music: Someday
Subject: What IS the meaning of life?
So today was pointless. I went to conditioning, joy. I normally like it... although I normally go to the fun part, and I normally don't have to sprint 20 times then do all the other crap that we're suppose to do and run 2 laps around the school. Yea, that definetly doesn't help.

I'm not really in a bad mood... just not a wonderful one like I have been lately. People are annoying me. Yes certain people but if I wanted to tell you who I would so don't ask unless you want me to get mad! Sorry, but that's just how it is. Ya' see. This person is completely messing w/ my life. I don't know what they're thinking at all, and I don't know what they want from me! Oy, it's a bunch of BS it you ask me. But then again what part of life isn't? Hmm.... But anyway it doesn't matter. It's not like I'm too attatched to this person. I've learned not to let myself get attatched to anyone. Except maybe my best friends. Because sooner or later it'll get screwed up, you'll never know how or why, it just will. Those are the cold hard facts of life right there. People hurt other people, whether it be your best friend or your boyfriend, it happens.

So anyway, now that I'm done depressing you all! I have drivers ed tonight. I wish you didn't have to go through that just to be able to drive. But you have to so, I'll deal with it... for now.

Have you guys ever heard "You don't Mean Anything" by Simple Plan? That has got to be the most truthful and awesome song on Earth. I swear it does!! It's just so perfect for so many situations in life. Gotta' love that. So yea, listen to it. Enjoy it.

Hmm... I really don't know what else to say, but I don't want to stop typing because that would force me back into reality and reality sucks at the moment. Oh there is one good thing that I failed to mention, I get to leave this crappy little town and go to Chicago this weekend. YAY!! Not only that, we get to ride the train, and that is gonna be a new experience for me... so yea. Woohu! Party. You see my dears this is my almost revenge for the evil band people leaving and going to Florida... it'd be better if we got to stay longer though. But hey what can I do?!

Okay I have to go to my lovely driving school now... woo freakin' hu. Have a day... good preferably.

mucho amor, rock on.

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03-02-04 10:43pm

who's messing with your life?


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Re:, 03-04-04 3:57pm

a person u wouldn't know...

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