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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-2-2004 at 3:46pm
Current mood: Lovely, and bored.
Music: always
Subject: "Do it for love." -Sark
Hmm... I'm kinda' weird aren't I?? Yea, I think so. Not really strange as much as stupid though. But meh, I'll try to change it... we'll see how that goes! But yea, I was having one of those stupidly weird times last time I wrote in this... so I may or may not have made sense and if I did many of you probably are seeing what I said and not what I meant... that happens a lot. Probably because stupidly, I don't say what I mean. See there's the whole stupid/ weird thing again... oy!

So yea, I have drivers ed tonight... again. I know a lot more people in that class than I thought I would. Before class last night I knew that Caleb, Travis, Tyler and Mike were in that class but not that so many friendly ones were! I'm SO happy that Kayla's in it w/ me!! And Miranda and Liz and Stephanie Lewis and Katie Tibbe... awesome I tell you purely awesome!!

Okay so I'm suppose to be doing my letter for english right now but I don't want to... so writing on here is basically stalling so that I don't have to do it! And it's brilliant because mi familia would hear the typing anyway so they won't know! Unless of course they sneak up behind me and that would not be good. But let's just assume that they won't okay?! Yea, why think about negativity? hehe.

Agh, I have nothing else to say, gayness. Oh except... I have a question for you. It's kinda' like a poll, but it's for my lovely friend Adam who seems to not get this concept. So answer truthfully k? k! If two people like eachother enough to hold hands and flirt a lot and they talk to each other at every oppurtunity, do you think they should go out? I DO!!! So does Re, but we cannot convince Adam and he refuses to do anything about this same situation that he is in with a certain girl. Oy, some people. If you like someone that much than just ask them out damnit! It's not that difficult of a concept... sheesh. Sorry, that was the crazed lunitic side me right there. But it's true... but of course this whole thing is probably pointless because though Adam listens to my advice most of the time, he probably won't this time. Just because that's how he is, never wants to let me be right... lol. Oh well. It's worth a shot!! (no for those of you who are thinking this, the girl is NOT me or Re... actually I've only seen this girl about 3 times in my life. So yea, just thought I'd clear that one up before it even got started!)

Well I suppose I'm gonna' have to do it sooner or later, so I might as well get back to my homework. Adios mi amigos!! Mucho amor, rock on.

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03-03-04 4:29pm

thanks for mentioning ben

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