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spud (profile) wrote,
on 3-2-2004 at 10:00pm
Current mood: wasted, but i'm ready
Music: n/a
Subject: clean before each load.

well. i'm doing laundry.

we got hungry howie's tonight, but katie wasn't there when i went to pick up the pizza, and bruce forgot to get flavor crust.

so, all in all, it was disappointing.

another disappointing thing was practice today. i really don't know what the point was.

i knew roman couldn't practice, and even if he could, it wasn't going to be for very long.

so i told kevin not to plan on practice tuesday.

i had thought that was the end of it.

but no. so i acquiesced, as always. and look where the fuck it got me.

to another late night. doing trig.

because i'm dumb.
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03-03-04 2:48pm

What chapter are you on, in trig??

I have that class right now. I hate it. Im kind of understanding things now, but I really dont like it.

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Re:, 03-07-04 11:14pm

i don't know that we're in the same book.

in fact, i'm sure we're not, because i finished taking trig at the semester break.

now we're doing pre-calc.

but i understood almost all of what we did in trig, and i loved most of it, although sometimes i'd leave 4th hour with a persistent headache, but still, i'd be glad to help you out, if i can.

just let me know.

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