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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-4-2004 at 4:10pm
Current mood: hyper
Music: "Stacey's Mom" -Fountains of Wayne
Subject: Gotta' love those cheap sun glasses.
Today was... interesting. Jenny broke up w/ Zach. FINALLY. She told us she was gonna', we told her she should... but it took her forever. Zach seemed cool w/ it, but I know he wasn't. Suprisingly enough I can read him like a book, I can't do that w/ many people. But the kid was crushed and I could tell. No this wasn't just because of the "Florida thing" because their relationship was going downhill before that. But yea... oh well.

Guys am I whoreish? Seriously, am I? 'Cause Adam said that I was a tad whoreish today. And no, he really wasn't kidding. Although this is the same guy who believed me when I said I was in love w/ him. Yea, sarcasm is rarely understood. But yea, I don't know... meh.

I have so much energy... today was the first time this week that I've gotten to just sit at home and ride the bus, the only time actually, and I'm way hyper now. Oy, that's just gay. On softball days I wish I was able to sit at home and not sprint so much... oh the irony. I need something to do, if I don't tire myself out before drivers ed. I'll be way too energized to sit and listen to Relich ramble for hours. Grr... on this. Oh well, not a lot I can do about it now is there.

"I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do" I love that. It's from the song The Reason by Hoobastank. It rocks soo much!! Rock on. Such a cool song... hmm.

Okay anyway... I'm getting really sick of the Presidential elections thing. I'm a republican all the way. It started that I only was because my parents were, but now that I hear more about both parties I like the republicans a lot more. No I don't agree w/ all Bush says and does... but a lot of it is good. I would so much rather have him than Kerry or someone like that. They have no ideas for changing the economy or anything else really, all they do is bash the President. Hello, that is not helping anyone in our country... it's giving us more of a reason to hate you! Lordy, that annoys the heck out of me. Sorry but it had to be said.

So does anyone know Bill's username on here?? Cuz he has mine, but refuses to tell me his. He says I'll "just know" what it is because he'll add me to his friends list. But I don't know when someone does that... I have to go check every two seconds so usernames help!! Oy, guys are so weird sometimes. lol. No effence my lovely male friends I love you all.

Anyway, I should probably go get some homework done so that I'm not up until midnight doing it. Much love my friends. rock on.

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03-04-04 6:26pm

There is NOTHING wrong with being a
and bill's username is jim9nin.
you're welcome :)

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Re:, 03-08-04 5:05pm

thank u michelle

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03-04-04 9:54pm

of course your not whorish what does adam know.

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03-05-04 4:56pm

Well, if Adam would like to believe that, he can go piss in a hole. A very SMALL hole. *grins*

You're not a whore. At all. So don't worry about it.

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