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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-4-2004 at 5:41pm
Current mood: amused
Subject: surveys rock.
Birthplace:Grand Rapids
Current location:in this chair...
Height:5'5 or 5'6
Righty or Lefty:righty
Zodiac Sign:picies
Your heritage:not completely sure, my pappy was adopted
Your weakness:i don't know, too many i suppose
Your shoes you wore today:avia tennis shoes
Your fears:hieghts mostly
Your perfect pizza:ham and cheese w/ lots of sause... it's so good!
Goal you'd like to achieve:get straight A's in school... for once
Your thoughts first waking up:i'm gonna' kill that alarm...
Your best physical feature:i don't know... i'm not really good at seeing the good in myself not many people are.
Your bedtime:umm... what night?
Your most missed memory:hmm... cedar point last year. it rocked!!
Pepsi or Coke:a healthy mix
McDonald's or Burger King:burger king
Single or group dates:depends on my mood i guess
Adidas or Nike:adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:ice tea is icky
Chocolate or vanilla:swirl
Cappuccino or coffee:cappuccino
Smoke:never ever!!
Cuss:meh, once in a while
Sing:yes all the time
Take showers daily:surely
Have a crush:mmhmm
Think you've been in love:yea i suppose
Want to go college:yep
Want to get married:yea probably
Believe in yourself:at times
Get motion sickness:i used too... i don't know anymore
Think you're attractive:not really
Think you're a health freak:not at all
Get along with your parents:lol, well sometimes
Like thunderstorms:only during the day
Play an instrument:kinda'...
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall:yes i have
Eaten an entire box of Oreos:no grr... on that
Eaten sushi:never actually
Been on stage:nope
Gone skating:hmm... i think so
Made homemade cookies:yes
Gone skinny dipping:ha, wouldn't u like to know ;)
Dyed your hair:no
Stolen anything:from steph... probably lol - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:no never ever
Been called a tease:yes
Got beaten up:no
Age you hoped to be married:i don't know
Number and name of children:sheesh i don't plan that far ahead guys
Dream wedding:one where i get married
How do you want to die:not in pain
Where do you want to attend college:either U of M or San Diego State
Dream job:owning my own resturant would rock
Country you want to visit:Switzerland!!
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color:brown
Best hair color:whatever... doesn't matter
Short or long hair:once again it doesn't matter
Height:taller than me... not too hard for guys
Best weight:don't care
Best clothing:no abercrombie
Best first date location:somewhere fun
Best first kiss location:i'll tell u when it happens!
Number of drugs taken illegally:none at all
Number of people I could trust with my life:hmm... i really don't know
Number of CDs that I own:too many
Number of piercings:2 just the ears
Number of tattoos:none
Number of times my name's been in the news:once
Number of scars on my body:1 deeply large scar
Number of things in my past that I regret.:too many to count

Layers brought to you by BZOINK!
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03-05-04 7:19am

your journal is boring

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Re:, 03-08-04 5:03pm

meh, whadda' ya' gonna' do? boring's what i do best!! ;)

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