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tboblp (profile) wrote,
on 12-29-2002 at 4:38pm
Current mood: tired
ive been watching football today and i have kind of mixed feelings about what has happened. Saints are out of the playoffs so im happy, but the dolphins need a Jets loss (which is always good) to get in. oh well, ill just have to hope the packers can beat the Jets. ok end football talk....I'm bored! At least im getting my new guitar amp, dont know when tho, i cant order it until my parents have time to call or w/e. later.
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12-29-02 4:45pm

Wait wait wait...the Phins still have a chance??? Rock!

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Re:, 12-29-02 5:39pm

yep, they still can, but the stupid jets are winning right now...

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Re: Re:, 12-29-02 5:45pm

grr...*shakes fist at Curtis Martin*

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12-30-02 8:54pm

love your icon dave. tyler, you can suck my nonexistant cock, saints rule.

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