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centralgirl05 (profile) wrote,
on 3-5-2004 at 10:21am
Current mood: bored
Music: tv
Subject: ahh
Have you ever...
x. Ran away? I've wanted to.
x. Broken someone's heart? i don't think so. usually its me
x. Cried when someone died? yup.
x. Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have? umm...of course that describes pretty much everyone i've ever wanted
x. Cried in school? does college count? if so then yes once.

What's Better...
x. Girls or guys? guys for dating and girls and guys for friends.
x. Quiet or Loud? mostly quiet, but sometimes loud (usually when there is alcohol in me)
x. Me or You? You
x. Shorts or Pants? Pants

x. What do you notice first? eyes
x. Last person you kissed? yup not going there, i'm stupid
x. What Is Your good luck charm? huh. don't seem to have one, but if i had to choose i'd say my necklace

Last Time You..
x. took a bath? ehh...sometime last month
x. Had a great time with the opposite sex? hmm...i think it was tuesday with jon, weaver, beerman, and julian

love and hate...
x. The person you hate the most? huh, don't really have a specific one
x. Best thing that happened to you today? got about 10 hours of sleep
x. Movie? gone with the wind
x. Book? any harry potter
x. Car? uh..H2 ;), my car, and marks HOTT car!!!
x. Holiday? any
x. Season? Fall
x. Breakfast food? scrambled eggs
x. Place to go with your honey? don't have one.
x. Show? Queer Eye, American Idol, sex and the city, and west wing
x. Friend? i like all my friends

x. Makes you laugh the most?
x. Has a crush on you? haha no one
x. Do you have a crush on?
x. Can make you feel better no matter what? stacy, jennie b, lynn, kristen
x. Has it easier, guys or girls? neither

Do you ever
x. Sit by the phone and wait for a call? not in a long while
x. Save AIM conversations? no i should though, especially the drunken ones
x. Cry because of someone's mean words? umm...not in a while
x. Most recent advice given to you? "if you didn't do anything, your not retarded" - Marco

Have you...
x. Fallen for your best friend? yah big mistake
x. Made out with JUST a friend? yes
x. Used someone? no
x. Cheated on someone? no
x. Been cheated on? yes
x. Been kissed? yes
x. Done something you regret? yes

Who was the last person...
x. You talked to? julie (my mom), i'm at work
x. You instant messaged? probably either mark or weaver or julian
x. You laughed with? the ladies at work
x. Who broke your heart?
x. Who told you they loved u and meant it? i don't rightly know, probably my parents or jacob

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ha.., 03-05-04 11:49am

Ok, so I just woke up and stuff on MY ONLY DAY I just woke up, and I'm a little I was reading your survey that you filled out..and suddenly, you started to sound an awful lot like me! you even had a crush on hot married guy, which I just about went ballistic over!! LOL! Can you tell that I"m super fucking tired??? STUPID APPLEBEES!! Oh, and for the next few weeks, I'm going to be coming home on the weekends to work...shitty..
ok bye.

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