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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 3-5-2004 at 9:18am
Current mood: guilty
Music: Northsar- Is this thing Loaded?
Subject: Good Morning and that shit
Well...I woke up and told my mom that I wasnt going to school today. I have high 80's/90's in the classes Im missing so I really dont consider it a big deal. The deal was that I clean my room. Not too bad I guess.

So I woke up wicked early and right when I fell back to sleep my cellphone started ringing and it was Lauren. So I pretty much gave up on sleeping this morning.

I feel like one of the worst people in the world right now. Im right next to Hilter. Well, Im not that bad and none of this was done on purpose but there is no way out of this one. I've hurt two people I really care about and when it comes down to it I'll only be talking to one of them. I got myself into this's not like I stopped it or helped at all so I have no one to blame but myself. I learned a crazy lesson. I think I found the biggest gliche in life too. The one that was totally looked over when people were created. I dont want to share it because people do read this. Either way...I feel like shit and I cant believe I ever said anything to anyone about it. I shouldnt was wrong to even talk about. I should just keep my mouth shut when it comes down to it...because its not like it got me into any stellar position that is making anything better for anyone. Wow I am rambling but I dont want to stop yet. Its not like I pretend that everything is fine...because it isnt and I dont expect you to pretend either. And its never ending....never fucking ending...ever.

Whatever...thats enough of that. I cant believe Im going to post this.

My cat is being cute.


annnd we're's now 10:12 incase you are wondering. I have a song stuck in my head and I dont know who sings it or what the words are besides "We're at the top of the world, you and i...." and thats all I remember. Any ideas?

My neighbors are banging on their house to make it look better and it's annoying the hell out of me....volume up.

I need some mac and cheese.

I get to go to BJ's tonight with meine mutti. Then Seanburt is coming over. I really dont know where that came from.

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03-05-04 12:22pm

I love you honey

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03-05-04 1:25pm

Northstar is a good band and that's a really good song.

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Re:, 03-05-04 2:39pm

its the only song i know by them

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Re: Re:, 03-05-04 2:41pm

Well I'll burn you their cd if you'd like.

(reply to comment)


Re: Re: Re:, 03-05-04 3:13pm

id love it :)

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