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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 3-5-2004 at 7:21pm
Current mood: frustrated
Subject: People
People are so fucking stupid in Cedar. They need to be shot. Many times. Over and over. In the head.

yes. that would make me feel better.
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03-05-04 7:42pm

well then, i guess its a good thing i moved far far away.

just promise you won't shoot me when i come and visis next week, okay?

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Re:, 03-05-04 8:09pm

I promise. It's just the really stupid athletic people..that's all. You know what i'm talking about...

Anyway, the wind ensemble got a I today at festival! (straight ones and a two in sight reading).

The concert band also got an over all I.


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03-05-04 9:56pm

Aw, damn.

We got a two in sight reading?

We didn't do THAT bad. Hell, I was told we did a helluva lot better than Concert Band, and they got a one.



Anywhore... Agreed. Cedar "folk" are stupid.

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