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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 3-8-2004 at 1:47pm
Current mood: anxious
Music: Squeky Chairs in Media Center
Subject: blah blah blah
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPPY PANTS! I HOPE YOU HAD A GREAT DAY! HAPPY SWEET 16!!! :( *TEAR* YOU'RE GROWING UP SO FAST!'s been okay. Nothing new. TV production was really annoying. It kinds is dumb that after more than half a year, almost 3/4 of the way threw the school year, people can't get frieceken announcments right. Yeah, stupid. Umm biology was nice! heh Algebra, did good on my test for once. I was really happy. Lunch was good. english, ehh alright. I hate the book "how to kill a fucking mocking bird" it's so friecken stupid! anywase. choir, pretty good. Geography i'm in the media center cos we have a free day because no one finished their work, i did yay1 so I get to blow off last hour. yay! then me and Kate are going to the mall after school. yay! i'm excited! well yeah that's about it.

You.....need to do it ! just do it! lol...that sounds funny! but i'm being completely serious, JUST DO it! lol

<3 jess
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03-08-04 4:48pm

thanks paps!! lol

yeah we both hate 'how to fuck a mockingbird' but at least it can be fun when we read it special. You know what I'm saying. lol

i'm really sad that we didn't hang out today :( it would have been so fun if you came to applebees with my family. ughghg :0(

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03-08-04 6:40pm

shakespeare is so much gayer than moking bird, trust me.

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