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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-8-2004 at 4:33pm
Current mood: tired
Music: Someday -Fishers Net-
Subject: Trains are joyous!!
Hola mi amigas y mi amigos!! I just got back from Chicago yesterday... at about 11pm. It was SO much fun!! I really didn't want to leave. That was my first time ever riding a train and ever taking a taxi. Both are rockin' forms of transportation... although walkings always joyful too. But anyway... I went w/ my mom, sister, and aunt Jenny. She's not really my aunt but we won't get into that right now. It was great... we went to this old fashioned diner called Ed Debevic's it was great. They all insult you and such, but you can insult them back, and at one point they got up on the tables and started dancing. It was so great!! I got a t-shirt, which I wore today so many of you probably already know this... but w/e it's my journal, I'll say what I want. hehe. Anyway, we also went shopping... a lot. Steph got her prom dress... which is just insanely gorgeous!! It's pink and it's a tube top. Totally satin and she has a shall w/ bows on it. It's really cute. So yea, that was cool. The last place we went was ESPN zone, which is such the best place on Earth. I know I'm a girl I'm not suppose to like sports that much, but I do! It had video games and racing games and this hockey shoot out type thing... great fun. They have REALLY good food too. It was just awesome. Too too fun I tell you. Rock on

So yea, anyway. Ya' know I've been thinking a lot lately about how close to the end of the year it is. Do you people realize that Steph's gonna' be a senior next year? NEXT YEAR... that's just months away. I swear I'll start crying when she graduates. It'll just be so sad... w/o Stephy there school's just not the same. And she'll be in college so I might not be able to see her as much and it's just not cool. She's my best friend in the whole wide world EVER and she's growing up. This would be so much easier if I hated her... lol. Oh well, at least I have another year before all of this craziness happens right?! Yea that's always good... besides next year I'll also be able to drive, there's something to look forward to!! Although probably not for those of you who will be on the same roads... hehehe. Just kidding!!

I need to talk to Katie... Smith I mean. And Jenny actually. They have this freakish theory about me and a friend of mine. They think I like him... and that we should go out. Because aparently he likes me... which is just weird in my opinion. It's not that going out w/ him would be a horrible fate, it's just that it's him and that makes it mega-weird. Hmm... messed up if ya' ask me. But yea I still need to talk to them and get them to shut up about it... I love them both but lordy they spread this around too much, Steph even knew before I did! Oy vay. Meh, that's life I suppose, messed up and confusing... whadda' ya' gonna' do?!

Well I don't know what else to say... but I have nothing else to do so I want to keep myself busy by typing. Grrr... oh well. lalala. I can't wait for summer. I really am in the mood for work to start... weird? yes. But if you guys worked w/ Shelly and I you'd understand. We always have fun... tiring fun but fun nontheless. It's always joyful to talk to TJ our lovely 20 some year old friend. You bandie's probably know him... tall skinny band geekish even though he's in college. Cool guy though, we nick named him grandpa-T cuz he drives so fricken slow. See, fun stuff I tell you, fun!! lol. Okay I'll stop boring you with my life now... mucho amor, rock on.


GO TO THE PLAY GUYS!!! AND GO FRIDAY W/ ME!!!! love ya' tonz, muuwahh!!
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03-08-04 9:36pm

Yeah, about that job... Are you gonna get me an application for it any time soon?

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