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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 3-8-2004 at 6:51pm
Current mood: cold
Subject: My bad day, that didn't seem that bad until i thought of all the things that happened, and now i know why i feel like crying.
This is all getting VERY frustrating for me. Today was not a very good day. Not at all.
I was in a bad mood third hour and almost cried.
I didn't finish my outline for english, and we had to write an in class essay from it, as part of our test. The outline was also a grade. I made up so much shit......
It doesn't seem like i can talk to *person* anymore...all they do is ignore me.....or at least it seems like it.
Jessie is having a really rough day.
All the sudden in sixth hour my eye started hurting, and it's swelling up, and i have no idea whats going on, only that it hurts.
At lunch, everyone piled their trays on Baylee's because she was going on a trash run, and a cup of pop spilled on the table and got my pants and my sweatshirt all wet. My sweatshirt is still sticky.

I was talking to someone, and I told them some things against my better judgement...
Well, they told me some things too, so i guess it'll be ok.

I just want to go cuddle with some one and cry right now.....

really, i do.
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03-08-04 7:09pm

i love you, michelle

i am sending you hugs

cheer up, my lovely, and remember, boys are stupid. throwing rocks is the only option

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Re:, 03-08-04 7:27pm

Yes, i know.....

knowing that they're stupid doesn't make it any less painful, tho.

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03-08-04 10:11pm

feel better :0/

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