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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-9-2004 at 5:07pm
Current mood: sore
Music: always
Subject: "So what so I've got a smile on, well it's hiding the quiet superstisions in my head."
Hmm... nothing to write really. I'm just bored and this is what I do when I get bored. So yea. Meh whatever, might as well not break the tradition right?!

Okay so Micky has got to be one of the coolest kids I've ever met! He went to the color guard meeting today... which doesn't nessicarily mean that he'll be in it, but it means he might be!! Steph and I encourage it but, yea, he never did anything about it... untill now. lol. It would be so great if a guy joined that... awesomeness I tell you.

I wish drivers ed would just end already... it's so freakin' annoying. ugh. But oh well, just one more thing in life that I don't have control over. But I suppose some evils are good in a way... kinda'.

I'm so happy!! Tomorrow is a half day, thank the lord, and Katie's taking me on a youth group bowling trip w/ her. Which means I get to hang out w/ Nicole and Curtis and Josh and Tyler(thought that may not actually be a good thing). It's gonna' totally rock!!! Yay!!!!! Okay sorry I'll stop. It just makes me happy, I love hanging out w/ her youth group and everytime I go bowling on a half day (which actually does happen quite a bit) it's a blast! So yea, can't wait.

Well I suppose I'll stop rambling on about nothing impaticular and let you get back to your lifes. Mucho amor my friends. Rock on.

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guess who this is about.... im so confused..., 03-10-04 2:51pm

hey jay.. what am i possed to do.... like him and not say anything to *her*.. or what... should i say somethin to her? sooooo lost.... sooooo confused.... hes awesome and i really really *think* i like him... more or less... i do really really like him.... lylas

call me....

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Re: guess who this is about.... im so confused..., 03-10-04 5:13pm

u should
a) talk to *her* and tell her what's going on.
b) if you really like him... tell him. it couldn't hurt. besides, he acts like he likes you. remember the begining of the year when he and I were always together and holding hands and such... u guys look the same. so yea. go for it girl!!!

much love chicita


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Re: Re: guess who this is about.... im so confused..., 03-10-04 9:37pm

a. i did.. right now... i dont think shes completely pissed but shes mad and doesnt think she wants anything to happen btween us... hummm

b. i dunno if i will are not... maybe.. ok i gotta go... thanks for the help lylas soooo much

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