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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-11-2004 at 3:32pm
Current mood: bitchy
Music: popcorn cruches... hehe
Subject: Over reactive people annoy the crap out of me!!
Okay so today was a useless piece of shit. For some freakish reason 6th hour, which is normally the best class of the day, turned out to make my day more hellish than it very well needed to be. I passed the placement test, thank the lord, but Allie didn't. I feel really bad about it too... but I didn't know how to make her feel better so of course, I felt bad about it. That sucked. Okay so I suppose it was more the bus then 6th hour but that heppening didn't help at all. So on the bus I said something somewhat stupid but it really depends on how ya' look at it. Well, Adam got all pissed off at me and wasn't talking to me for a while, then when he finally did decide to talk to me it wasn't like we normally talk. It was weird. He totally over-reacted though and it just pissed me off majorly for some reason. I don't know... I'm probably just having a drama queenish day but, ugh!! It just makes me so freaking mad.

So yea, you people know me pretty well right? You know I'm like the flirtiest girl you've ever met at times (unless you've met amy, ;) hehe). But anyway, I'm kinda' sick of it. I'm not saying I'm sick of guys or that I don't like anyone or that I even don't want to flirt anymore.... I'm just sick of it. I don't want to be known as a little slut who flirts w/ every guy she sees. Believe me it's been said, course the people who've said it were clueless but that's not the point. On top of that though, I'm kinda' sick of being single. But I don't know if I want a boyfriend. Oy, why is life like that? Why can't there just be a simple answer to every problem? I just don't know... I'm being drama queenish again aren't I? UGH!!

Ya' know what? I'm just gonna' stop writing now... or you people are gonna' get really sick of my complaining... so yea. See ya'll later, much love. rock.

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03-11-04 4:29pm

You're not a slut. You're allowed to flirt.

For fuck's sake, you're only human.

Tell whoever keeps saying the bullshit to just shut the fuck up.

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03-11-04 7:05pm

dont worry about me.. im mostly better now... on the bus i was ok but when i was walkin home... i broke down and cried and i cried and called my mom and shes gonna fix it all...... shes not as pissed as i thought... im ok for now...... and as for the kid whom i like.... i really really really like him and blaine too but the other one tons.

u dont want people to think UR a slut.... lol member what we were talkin about earlier.... yeah...

josh was sooo awesome today... he like hit tyler when he made me cry and was there for me like the whole time... like right when i found out and everything... i love that kid....

ok im done now.. i love u tonz and tonz!!!

ps ur not a drama queen, talk to him!

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Re:, 03-12-04 8:43pm

Allison, I love you, and this is like so hard for me, the more i read stuff about how u really like him, cause grr i really like him to. damnit lifes not fair. He wants u not me, and i keep complaining... sorry dont worry bout me k. go for it. i'll get over it. but jacqui ur not a slut one lil bit trust me. Tho i do think amy is, i know i dont know her but its what ive heard and ive seen how she is, and theres no way ur a slut. not at all.

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03-12-04 4:03pm

You should never be ashamed of your personality. Who gives a fuck if they think you're a slut? You know you're not, and that's all that matters, being true to yourself. Trust me, I've had this battle with myself plenty of times, and everytime it comes out this way-
"I know who I am, and no one else will ever know, not even my closest friends, my parents, my siblings....As long as I don't lose sight of me, what I want, what I'm capable of, I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I'm not going to care what other people think. By them talking about me shows that they aren't as secure with themselves as I am with me."

It's true.....anyway, high school is just one big show, if you haven't figured that out by now. People say and do things to be noticed, to make other people "like" them. If you do what you want, with no thought of everyone else, then you are one of the few people in that damn school that deserves to live.

I hope that helped.

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Re:, 03-12-04 7:50pm

that did help, thank you.


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