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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 3-11-2004 at 8:07pm | |
Current mood: Em's m00d! Music: Nuffin Subject: HA! A POST! ^-^ |
Hey d00ds.. Been a while, eh? Well, Lon's life has been turning slightly, for the better, mind you. Yay for her ^-^ But now she's being homeshooled.. T.T Pill-poppin' and home schoolin'. >.>! Hmn, some news for yew. -Laura got married to Melissa (ho-bag! >.<) -I'm getting skinnier thanks to my.. DDR DIET! -I WILL make millions o.o; -Apparentally I've begun puberty, says Jenn L. -I will never look at monkeys the same -Ffokcaj o.o -New layout for a while now ^-^ -THANK YEW KEITHEE for teh Background ^-^ HA! I'll hafta tell yew about past events. OKAY! <-> Hatsume Festival, Morikami <-> Well, I finally met AVIVA! <3<3<3 I lurrrve her *-* So k00l, just like I pictured ^-^ So Jenn L. and I had to wander about for a while, 'cause Vive's was a volunteer. Emily got some CHOCO-POCKY! e.e; YAY! S'all wo0t. Anyways, I made a 'fire poll'.. I don't know exactly what that was about, but it was for a 'fire'. I kept bopping Jenn, so she fwacked me with her umbrella she purchased.. T.T That shiz hurt. Later on, we got teh Aviva and sturf. We went back to the pavillion to take a picture of Jenn in the cutout thing they had XDD 0h, scary storry. I felt an itch at my ear, so I brushed out my hair and SHOOM! Off flies a BEE! >.< THERE WAS A BEE.. IN MY HAIR! ~shivers~ Ugh.. I couldn't stand still for a while. Later on, eww, this was bad. We were walking towards the road 'cause I was going home, yanno? And..I felt something in my pants! I was getting freaked out, thinking it was another bee, so I was holding this object through my pants.. Then somehow, it worked it's way up to my inner thigh >.< At first it was at my knee, then it moved up and I was like "Shit shit hshit, there's a bee in my pants!" So my mom comes, I get in the back and tell her to DRIVE! So she's driving, I pull down my pants.. and it was a fucking PINE NEEDLE! >.< So I yelled "IT WAS A FUCKING PINE NEEDLE!" and my mom was like "EXCUSE ME?!" XD I'm so stupid. Anyways, we went to Starbucks, then to.. Home Depot, then back home, then to Erik's. For it was Erik's birthday. Heh, fuuun e.e; Early on, people were thrown in the pool (hem, Lo-Ra, hem) others jumped in, Erik was pushed in XD Then we went to the park.. I used to live in Erik's community, right next to the park we went to! I was like MEMORIES! >.< XD Haaaa.. Well, one of the chicks (whilst remain nameless, 'cause she's probably embarrassed) walked right into the glass door. We watched the Ring again, and I hung my hair in my face and gripped Jessie playfully about the throat e.e; I'm stupid. So, Lo-Ra shoved cupcakes in her eyes, I got frosting all over my shirt, and stole one of Erik's. Later on, Jade and I were the last to leave, left with about.. 4 or 5 boys. Ha. So we were walking out and Erik's like "Give me my shirt back on Monday, okay?" So I was like "Oh, the shirt?" I just pulled it off and handed it to him XD 'Cause I was wearing a cami underneath, and it didn't seem like a big deal to me, but I think I scared him! Ha, that was really it. Hmn, I had a shindig of my own just this past weekend. It was pretty fun. Poor Jenners walked into a glass door ^-^;; Kinda like Unnamed back there! Anyways, it was fun ^-^ We watched 'From Hell', a Johnny Depp movie <3 e.e; Johnny Deeepp.. It was about Jack the Ripper o.o! He cut out their vaginas! XD Loser. Ha.. Anyways, now I'm watching Mad Mad House, and the vampire, Don, is one HOT FUCKING GUY! >.< He can stay in my room.. e.e;; XD Sorry. BAI! <3<3<3<3<3 <3Aishiteru ~Em-chan P.S. BANANUS! |
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Anonymous | pill-Poppin-Lon, 03-11-04 9:25pm Im popping pills, and doing arithmacy- I am just to cool for you losers, with your shindigs, and shiznat.
SweetLiLaur | EM!, 03-11-04 10:00pm Ok first of all I am no ho-bag LoL and second of all I dont know!
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: EM!, 03-22-04 2:02pm I <3 yew both, and Lo-Ra.. you are a ho-bag XD