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SinfulDarkness (profile) wrote,
on 3-11-2004 at 10:16pm
Current mood: sleepy
Music: My parents fighting
My mom and dad are fighting. My mom is upset at my dad cuze hes not being truthful I think but I cant hear my mom or dad too well, just random words here and there. My dad has done some pretty shitty things to my mom, he hasn't beaten her or anything like that but he can be an asshole and hes not all the time truthful. My dad can be okay sometimes, but most of the time I try to avoid him as much as possible. My parents wont get a divorce though...even though I am not to fond of my dad I am glad theyre still together unlike a lot of families, there would be a lot of drama and money issues if they got a divorce that I dont feel like dealing with drama and my mom would become a wreck. If they got a divorce and one or both remarried I would be pissed cuze I dont like change and I dont like many adults, and if they were to have kids with their new spouse I wouldn't talk to them, I hate children and I already dont get that much attention as is, and when I do its usually yelling, either about how I've disrespected them in some way or my appearance. I'm usually on the computer or by myself in my bedroom when I'm home, away from my mom cuze shes either sleeping or stressed about something, my dad is usually at work but when hes home hes a pain in the ass always bothering me and bitching about something, and my sister locks herself up in her bedroom playing video games or watching TV. I feel bad for my sis sometimes, she doesn't get yelled at by my parents often, not nearly as much as I do, and when I do get yelled at she has to watch and if she can she usually hurries off to her bedroom. She lives in like her own little fantasy world, she spends almost all her time watching movies or playing video games in her room, shes 11 I think, its just sad sometimes watching her. I dunno ...its kinda fucked up.
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SMILE DAMNIT!, 03-12-04 5:30pm

No matter how ironic it might sound things have a way of working out. I know most people think its a bunch of bullshit. But its not. Things will be good no matter what happens, lol, I'm such a loser. But hey if ya smile it 'always' makes things better.
*~Love ya~*

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hey ashy, 03-16-04 10:18pm

tis momo..
Wats with DADS and SISTERS?! Sheesh..
Everything WILL work out. and i love you! dont ever forget that! :)

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