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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-12-2004 at 8:37pm
Current mood: calm
Music: classic rock channel on the tv
Subject: You don't have to change the world, just don't let the world change you.
Okay so here's the deal, you guys are suppose to fill this out about me. There are some kinda' dumb questions that are just for guys so all my girl-type friends can skip those okay?! Okay. You all rock. Mucho amor.

What's my whole name?:
What's my nickname?:
Are we in love?:
what's my favorate color?:
What color are my eyes?:
Would you make out with me?( if not already):
How long have you known me?:
What' the best memory you have of me?:
Do you think im hott?:
Have you ever seen me cry?:
When's the last time we say eachother?:
When's my birthday?:
What's my favorate movie?:
Whats your name?:
Tell me anything here::

Friends <33 brought to you by BZOINK!


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03-12-04 11:39pm

What's my whole name?: I can't spell your first name correctly, but you already know that I know it. Otherwords, it's Jacqui Jean DeFouw.
What's my nickname?: Jacqui Jean, Jeanie-Beanie... Whatever.
Are we in love?: Deeply... Haha.
What's my favorate color?: Um... Blue? I don't know. That seems to be everybody's favorite color. Maybe red.
What color are my eyes?: Blue...
Would you make out with me?( if not already): Haha... Oh, yeah. You know it. *winks*
How long have you known me?: Since First grade, with that bitch of a teacher.
What' the best memory you have of me?: Your laugh. You're always laughing.
Do you think im hott?: Absolutely. *winks again*
Have you ever seen me cry?: I've seen you pissed beyond belief, but I've never seen you cry.
When's the last time we saw eachother?: In school today.
When's my birthday?: Soon. March 19.
What's my favorate movie?: Um...
Whats your name?: Kim Possible.
Tell me anything here:: Uh... I love you. Rock on.


(reply to this)


Re:, 03-14-04 2:33pm

being pissed beyond belief is so much better than crying! lol. i love you too kim possible! *wink*

(reply to comment)


03-13-04 12:55pm

What's my whole name?: Jacquilyn...(sp. wrong) Dawn Defow.
What's my nickname?: um.. Jacqui
Are we in love?: um... no dont think so.
what's my favorate color?: blue?
What color are my eyes?: blue
Would you make out with me?( if not already): um... no, cause im not a lesbian. lol
How long have you known me?: um since i think 7th grade.
What' the best memory you have of me?: uh... ..
Do you think im hott?: i think ur pretty.(but i dont judge girls on hotness
Have you ever seen me cry?: no
When's the last time we say eachother?: friday at lunch.
When's my birthday?: um march 19?
What's my favorate movie?: have no idea
Whats your name?: Sam liscombe
Tell me anything here:: You're a good person!

(reply to this)


03-13-04 1:44pm

What's my whole name?: Jacquilyn Jean idea how to spell it

What's my nickname?: Jay

Are we in love?: lol...of course

what's my favorate color?: red

What color are my eyes?: blueish green

Would you make out with me?( if not already): probly not...sorry lol

How long have you known me?: 7th grade

What' the best memory you have of me?: umm. tons and tons of um

Do you think im hott?: of course (wink wink)

Have you ever seen me cry?: umm once i think

When's the last time we say eachother?: i dont get it possed to be saw? if it is....then friday

When's my birthday?: march 19, 1989

What's my favorate movie?: umm...legally blonde hehe

Whats your name?: Allie

Tell me anything here:: I LOVE U!!

(reply to this)


Re:, 03-14-04 2:34pm

are you implying something w/ that legally blonde comment?? lol j/k i love you al

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03-14-04 2:28am

What's my whole name?: jacqui defouw

What's my nickname?: no clue

Are we in love?: immensly

what's my favorate color?: blue? red? i dunno

What color are my eyes?: um.......i think blue

Would you make out with me?( if not already): hm...thats a hard one.....cough. yep. cough

How long have you known me?: since you've ridden my bus

What' the best memory you have of me?: your just always happy, its great

Do you think im hott?: possibly *wink*

Have you ever seen me cry?: nope

When's the last time we saw eachother?: friday at school

When's my birthday?: no clue

What's my favorate movie?: ??

Whats your name?: i forgot

Tell me anything here:: anything here

(reply to this)


Re:, 03-14-04 2:32pm

lol. nice. thank u... and nice name too. easy to remember.

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03-14-04 1:50pm

What's my whole name?:

Jacqulyn Jean DeFouw

What's my nickname?:

BooBoo the Sloth

Are we in love?:

what's my favorate color?:


What color are my eyes?: or green

Would you make out with me?( if not already):

nope sorry

How long have you known me?:

7th grade

What' the best memory you have of me?:

ah too many to count..

Do you think im hott?:

don't really look lol

Have you ever seen me cry?:

i don't think so

When's the last time we say eachother?:


When's my birthday?:

would you beat me up if i say i forgot LOL

What's my favorate movie?:

uh...i don't know actually

Whats your


Tell me anything here::

only 5 more days!!

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