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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-14-2004 at 1:36pm
Current mood: Happy, excited, and... well just happy and excited
Music: Music choice channels
Subject: "To get nowhere, follow the crowd" -Charlie Brown
Okay so far this weekend is incredibly awesome!! I went to the play yesterday and it rocked. Awesome job all of those who were in it... and Amy if you're reading this, very nice banana eating lol. I'm just glad we sat on the inside and not on an isle. That was crazy... but Ann got to dance w/ a monkey. lol, so great!

Yesterday so tottally rocked! I got to see Nichole... she lives in Hudsonville so it's rare when I see her. That was awesome. And I went to the play w/ Stephy and Zac and ended up getting to hang out w/ Jenny too. That was cool... except the fact that I sat between Zac and Jenny... not the smartest move ever. hehe. Brilliance. But yea, it was so fun!!

OMGosh guess what!? Softball tryouts start tomorrow, yay! And next week is my last week of drivers ed... thank the lord. I'm so excited! Oh and the best ending to what promises to be the best week... my birthday is FRIDAY!!! YAY! lol. I'm way too excited about this. Okay I gotta' fly. Mucho amor rock on.

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03-14-04 9:40pm

do you like zac? cause you talk about him alot, at least more than you used to

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Re:, 03-15-04 3:55pm

i love zac. but not as a anything more than a friend. the reason i talk about him more now is just because i'm becoming better friends with him. so yea... i don't like him like that. why are you so concerned anyway...? meh. whatever. adios!

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03-15-04 6:33pm

its sooooo close

and by the way LOVE the picture!

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