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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 3-14-2004 at 11:56pm | |
Current mood: Eh. Subject: EMILY GOT GAME! XD |
y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You want to know WHY Jade's being MEAN to you?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Hmn! Let's THINK, CHRIS! latindude112: ? latindude112: ? latindude112: ? y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It's not like you fuckin' MOUTHED her OFF because you couldn't FIND her at the MOVIES! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Or ANYTHING like THAT! latindude112: OH SHUT UP latindude112: MY GOD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Go ahead, Chris, try and make me feel SORRY for you. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Believe me, it won't work. latindude112: do you EVER mind your OWN buisness y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It's part of my buisness, actually. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Jade showed me the Whooooole conversation. latindude112: i dont seek pity y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You trying to make her deel bad. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: feel* y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: >.>; latindude112: and if i did they would not be from losers y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You really need to get a life.. and spell check. latindude112: !!! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And if you're going to be so PIG HEADED about everything, I suggest you whine to some one ELSE about your problems than JADE! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: 'Cause the last thing she needs is YOUR SHIT! latindude112: you want to play that way latindude112: go fuck oof latindude112: all you do is protect jade from me latindude112: what the hell did i do to you y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I know! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Because I don't want her to get HURT! latindude112: i accually wanted to be your freind but no y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I have ATLEAST three bruises from you, DARLING! latindude112: you had to act like a real bitch y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It's 'cause I AM a real bitch, hun. latindude112: im not try ing to take her away from you SO BACK THE HELL OFF latindude112: !!! latindude112: >:o y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: YOU BACK THE HELL OFF! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I don't want her to be BATTERED by your SHIT! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I hope you get attacked by a rabid spoon and die, love, 'cause your stuff just aint worth it. latindude112: i HAVE A QUEASTION y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Then raise your hand. o.o; latindude112: Y DO YOU HATE ME SO MY latindude112: WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU latindude112: !!! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Hmn.. I really don't know.. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: See, my hatred was playful, at first. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I usually beat at boys harmlessly, even ask Erik o.o; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Then, you really started to piss me off, so I meant it. latindude112: LIKE HOW y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And what happens? Hmn, my playfulness evolves to dilike, high dislike, and DING DING DING! HATRED! >.< latindude112: BECAUSE I WAS SPENDING MORE TIME WITH JADE THAN YOU y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I believed for a LONG time that I could hate NO ONE! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You stole her.. so I stole her back. latindude112: i DIDNT STEAL HER latindude112: I ACCUALLY ENCORAGED HER TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH YOU y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yeah, when YOU were there! latindude112: YOU NO WHAT LETS SETTLE THIS RIGHT NOW y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: This made her feel bad, resulting she sneaking off with YOU! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: OKAYU! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: <.<; Okay* latindude112: YOU WANT HER TAKE HER y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You want her no longer? latindude112: IM NOT GONNA GO THROUGH ALL THIS BULLSHIT EVERY DAY latindude112: AS MUCH AS I LOVE HER y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It won't be 'every day' y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: If you apologize to her. latindude112: FUCK IT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Right now. latindude112: IT WOULD BE WORTH IT latindude112: IN A FAIRY TALE latindude112: BUT THIS AINT CINDERELLA y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: To APOLOGIZE?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: UGH! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You ARE stupid! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Can't you see you hurt her feelings?! latindude112: AND I DONT INTEND TO MAKE IT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You, yelling at her, telling her you were going to KILL YOURSELF?! latindude112: WHAT!?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: AND OVER WHAT, CHRIS?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: OVER WHAT?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: YOU.. COULDN'T FIND HER.. at the MOVIES! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: THE.. MOOOOVIIIIES! latindude112: THAT WASNT THE POINT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: YEAH.. OKAY! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You just say that! latindude112: ITS OVER YOU CAN TAKE HER y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: BE THAT WAY! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's YOUR choice! latindude112: IF YOU DONT WANT HER TO BE SO UNHAPPY latindude112: GO AHEAD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: If you want to break it off, that is YOUR choice! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Not mine! Your's! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: If she cries, it's YOUR fault! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Not mine! Your's! latindude112: YOU WANT US TO BREAK UP latindude112: SO DONT BLAME THIS ON ME y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: IF SHE.. TRIED TO HURT HERSELF.. I SWEAR, I WILL FUICKING ATTACK HER! latindude112: YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANT latindude112: OK y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And I don't WANT you to, YOU want it to end! latindude112: SHE IS ALL YOURS FOR THE TAKING y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: BECAUSE YOU CAN'T DEAL WITH PSYCHO EMILY AND FRIENDS! latindude112: AND IF I DIDNT WANT YOU GUYS TO SPEND TIME TO GETHER HOWCOME EVEY CHANCE THAT I HAVE HAD IN THE LAST MONTH IVE GIVEN IT UP TO YOU y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Fesh. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's what I say. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Fesh. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I've seen her.. hmn.. maybe 2 weekends in this month? latindude112: I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY latindude112: ADMIT IT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'm sure. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I really am. latindude112: YOU DIDNT WANT US TO GO OUT FROM THE BEGING y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I was THRILLED! latindude112: BECAUSE YOU WERE AFRAID I WOULD TAKE HER AWAY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Jade was going to have a boyfriend! Yippee! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I was so happy for her! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Then I really.. met you.. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And my happiness died.. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Not ONLY did you deny you were going out, you yelled at people to shut up! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You should have been bloody proud, man! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Jade's a good catch e.e; latindude112: BECAUSE SHE DIDNT WANT ME TO MENTION IT\ y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I somehow doubt that. latindude112: PLUS IM NOT ONE TO BRAG latindude112: THEN THEY FOUND OUT SO y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Oh, you do, believe me. latindude112: WE JUST SAID YEAH y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You think you don't, but you do. latindude112: YES YOU THINK I DONT NO THIS latindude112: BUT SEE IM NOT THE MOST POPULAR GUY IN THE SCHOOL AND I DIDNT WANT HER TO GET MADE FUN OF FOR GOING OUT WITH ME y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ~shrugs~ So? latindude112: IM NOT ONE OF TOSE PEOPLE WHO RUN AROUND SCHOOL BRAGING y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Neither was Keith, but I didn't deny it. latindude112: I GOT A GIRLFREIND I GOT A GIRL FREIND y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: friend, Okay?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: F-R-I-E-N-D latindude112: OK latindude112: YES NOW A FREIND latindude112: SEE YOU ARE HAPPY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: No, not you -_-; latindude112: I CAN TELL BY WHAT YOUR WRITING y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You keep spelling friend wrong. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'm spelling it for you. o.o; latindude112: OH latindude112: WHOOPS latindude112: THAT WAS STUPID y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Was it now? latindude112: YEP latindude112: AND NOW JADE IS NOT TALKING TO ME latindude112: YAY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: 'Cause you were a royal ass to her! latindude112: I FEEL SO HATED latindude112: AGAIN y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Woot. latindude112: BUT THIS TIME I REALLY DONT CARE y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's good, you're learning to cope. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Anyways, some advice: y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: -If you feel you must break up, do so gently. latindude112: YAY AN ADVISE COLUM latindude112: WELL NOW I CAN CLOSE MY YAHOO ACOUNT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: -If you plan to hurt yourself to make us guilty; don't, it doesn't work. latindude112: SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I TALKED 2 latindude112: I DONT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: -If you feel to kill yourself, don't, you may have something to live for. latindude112: I PLAN TO HURT MYSELF latindude112: IF JADE TAKES IT HARD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's just stupidity, dear boy. latindude112: HEH y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You think I kid? o.o; latindude112: YOUR RIGHT I DO HAVE SOMETING TO LIVE FOR latindude112: NOW I CAN GO TO JAPAN AND BECOME LIKE YUKI AND LEAVE MY PAST BEHIND y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: SEE?! THAT'S EXACTLY IT! latindude112: YAY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Do you think we want to see someone be such a POSER like that?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's one of the things that ticks us off >.< latindude112: I HAVE DREAM latindude112: POSER latindude112: WHAT latindude112: IM LOST y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Stuff like "Ooh, I'm a sword-fighter" and "Oh man, I gotta train so hard" latindude112: WELL ITS TRUE I DO TRAIN latindude112: YAY latindude112: AND I DO UDE THE KATANA latindude112: AND latindude112: I DO NO WHAT A BASIC AND ADVACE SHURIKIN ARE latindude112: YAY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I am so proud of you. o.o; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And if you took that literally, I may just have to kill you. latindude112: SO YOUR RONG latindude112: I DO STUDY NINJITSU y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And I.. care? latindude112: AND I NEVER BRAGED ABOUT THAT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sure you did. latindude112: ... y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Anyways, I'm quite done on this subject. Said evidence of this conversation will be saved and sent about to my hungry readers. Have a lovely evening. latindude112: thank you latindude112: by the way y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: No fuggin' problem. latindude112: just for the record latindude112: if jade is hurt its you fult y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: How teh FUCK is it my fault, BINITCH! latindude112: because your the one that wants it not me y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You're the one breaking up with her! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And I never said I had to! latindude112: i just want you and jade and freinds to be happy y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sure I said she'll probably better off y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: But YOU'RE the one doing it! latindude112: so if this is what making you happy comes down to latindude112: thats the price i have to pay latindude112: fine so be it y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Be that way. latindude112: so my slate is clear latindude112: its all your falt y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: On contrare. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It is all.. your fault. latindude112: how so maddam latindude112: ... latindude112: im waiting y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sorry, role playing and having a heated conversation, with a side of TV and reading. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: XD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ANYWAYS! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It's YOUR fault 'cause you started the whole deal. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Now I find it your place.. to end it. latindude112: no i didnt y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sure you did. latindude112: you imed me while i was talking to jade y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You asked her out in the first place. latindude112: oh so its my falt fine latindude112: if thats the way you want to put it y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ~nods~ y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It is your fault. latindude112: but in the words of emily y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Don't deny it. latindude112: y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: On contrare. latindude112: lol y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.o; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: <.<; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Poser. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: XD latindude112: you started it because the only reason you didnt like me was because i wasnt admiting that i was going out with jade latindude112: so its your falt latindude112: or y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: No. latindude112: we could end it right now latindude112: by latindude112: admitning it is both our falts y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: The reason I never liked you was because you were too posessive and overbearing. latindude112: not mention this conversation y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: AND IT'S NOT MY FUCKING FAULT! latindude112: and start over as "freinds" latindude112: did i spell it right y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Nope. o.o latindude112: ??? latindude112: GRRRRRR latindude112: dam you "freinds" latindude112: damn you latindude112: any way latindude112: so how bout it y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Friends. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I don't know. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'll.. think about it. o.o; latindude112: if i do something wrong you can hit me really hard latindude112: that would keep me in line y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'll hit you really hard anyways. o.o; latindude112: so latindude112: btw latindude112: y does your icon keep changing y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: CAN NO ONE SPELL BY THE WAAAY?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: What's it keep changing to? o.o; latindude112: you cant eithere latindude112: you spelled "by the waaay" latindude112: not latindude112: "by the way" latindude112: lol y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: -_-; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Don't smart mouth me, boy. latindude112: a little senceless humor y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Your life depends on it. latindude112: yes madam y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT! o.o; latindude112: g2g latindude112: lol latindude112: bai y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Right.. bai. So that's how it went down ^-^ <3! <3<3 Aishiteru <3<3 ~Em-chan |
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A-Demons-Angel | Hi., 03-15-04 4:58pm How bout a little venting hm?
Anonymous | 03-15-04 5:00pm ...Watch you back CHRIS!... |