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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 3-15-2004 at 12:24am
Current mood: not happy
Emma's profile says this...

Love is a perky elf dancing a merry little jig and then suddenly he turns on you with a miniature machine gun.
--Matt Groening

... and I agree
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me, 03-15-04 9:49am

Mica , I'm sorry I hurt you so much , I understand you probably hate me , but I do love you Mica and I want to make things better , Im sorry Im such a screw up Mica , I love you and , I hope you can ever forgive me , but for now all I have is hope and my love for you. Talk to you later , I love you baby.

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me, 03-15-04 9:49am

Mica , I'm sorry I hurt you so much , I understand you probably hate me , but I do love you Mica and I want to make things better , Im sorry Im such a screw up Mica , I love you and , I hope you can ever forgive me , but for now all I have is hope and my love for you. Talk to you later , I love you baby.

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