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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 3-15-2004 at 11:04am
Current mood: annoyed
Subject: Really, c'mon now!
Ughhhh!!!!!! I'm really sick of people. I'm surrounded by my friends, and I really can't stand some of them. Don't get me wrong, some are the sweetest, greatest people I will ever know. But some...are just such fake jackass's. Ahhhh....really I want to just tell you, what a moron you are when you do stuff like that, how stupid it is. How risky it is, but you just dont give a fuck. So oh well when you mess up, ....can't say I didn't say so. It's retarded. How do people have such shit for brains? Ughhh this summer better fucking hurry it's tooshie up and get here. Because I really can't stand too much more of this. The only good thing about this week, is Softball starts. That's it.
Ahh Biology was nice. Me and Heather rambeled back and forth to each other about everything, which was nice. And Devon before school, that was nice too. Ahhh yeah, I'm gonna go.
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03-15-04 3:20pm

You do know that i'm here for you, if you ever wanna vent something, go ahead and take my msn or yahoo messneger thingy, or just email me! i will listen to your problems and help you, thats really what i was put here for i feel, to listen and help people get through problems!, but you can always email me, if your not saying i'm annoying!
~~~Jared Grindle

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