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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 3-15-2004 at 2:12pm
Current mood: groggy
Music: my lil cousin's gibberish
Subject: ay que sueño.....
HEY IM BACK! oh it was soooooooo much fun! k well ima give u guys the full run through day by day. well so i get there saturday at like 12 and we were chillin walkin around gettin situated in our rooms and junk. the piece du theatre was that nite (that's the play) and so we were all rehearsin and stuff....haha we finally got in our costumes...and like i told u guys i was sposed to be a i put on this really short tight ass skirt wit my really tight black tank top.....oh lordy! ... haha i come out of the room and andres (this cute junior who flirts with EVERYONE!) was like DAMN THAIMI! YOU LOOK HOT! hahah so he's like u gotta take a picture wit me girl! haha so ya we took a pic......we did the play at like 10 30 that nite....i screwed up like twice.....but i fixed it wasn't that bad.....jasmine forgot her line completely! but alexander saved her by goin on to the next line...haha but not after a 20 second pause, as our faces were splashed with looks of concern and fright! haha! so anywayz that was over....and so we went and chilled in ppls rooms and lied down and talked and stuff....andres was in our room like the whollllle time! haha! ooh yea after like 20 min of bein at the hotel i was like fuck this shit ima get comfy! so i put on my pajama pants and my spongebob shirt and andres was in his boxers hahah we were all like walkin around the hotel like if nothin....everyone was like wtf...haha that nite we went to tgi friday's for dinner.....haha omg i said the stupidest thing! haha well..i was like....y is it tgi friday's.....y not like...tgi tuesday's or wednesday's?! and kristen goes......cuz it's not thank god it's tuesday.....and me and hilary (this awesome freshman i met) just looked at each other and go OHHHHHHHHHH THAT'S WHAT IT STANDS FOR?! hahahah omg everyone was like wtf! hahahha then on our walk to tgi friday's hilary was tellin me bout how she's half australian and i swear i almost asked her if she spoke australian!!!!! hahahahha omg we laughed sooooo hard! haha and then we were in the elevator and hilary saw this girl wit a cowboy hat and she goes "i love ur howboy cat!" hahah....and then she's like "wait..." hahahahhahahha omg it was sooooooo funny! we kept screwin up our words like that! like on the bus instead of sayin im sleepy or im tired....i mushed the two words together and said man im so teepy! hahaha daphne was it was hilarious. well w/e we had dinner and did our play and eventually by like 12 30 we went to sleep. the next morning we woke up at 7 30 cuz my competition was at 9 and daphne's was at 9 45 and i went and took a shower and what not and got dressed.....i went to my competition and i kicked some major french booty! i knew every question on there! (turns out i only missed one but that was just cuz i looked at one answer and decided that was the correct one but accidentally bubbled in another letter....haha retarded i know!) but w/e so i took my test and then i went to go get breakfast cuz i was starvin so i go to the food court and i see andres out there and he waves to me so im like ill be rite i went and got me a cappucinno chiller and some cookies.....and i came out and chilled wit him at this table outside by the pool. so it was me, him, britanny, and caitlinn out there...haha and we were like checkin guys was hilarious! and then...this hairy bum lookin kid came out and started playin his guitar....and rite behind us these haitian men were like talkin and stuff....and andres goes ima give em some change....and caitlinn and brittany just look at each other and they're like omg andres that's terrible! hahaha they thought he was talkin bout the haitians and not the bum guy! hahahha omg it was priceless! haha so he's like thaimi come wit me and him went to go give the guy some change and andres is like "i dig ur tunes man...i dig em" hahah the guy was like thanks thanks....i appreciate it hahah! so ya w/e then i went back upstairs and met up wit hilary and we stayed in the hotel room and ate some crap while watchin tv......and andres came up wit us....hahaha omg! we started watchin willy wonka and the chocolate factory....and there's this line when they're talkin bout the everlastin gobstopper and willy wonka goes "you can suck em and suck em and suck em and they never get any smaller" HAHAHA OMG ME AND ANDRES STARTED BAWLIN ON THE FLOOR LAUGHIN OUR ASSES OFF AND EVERYONE JUST LOOKED AT EACH OTHER LIKE.....I DONT GET IT.....! hahahahhahah omg we laughed sooooo hard! he was like i can't believe u got that! i thought i was the only pervert! hah ahe was like omg i love this girl! haha it was priceless. so ya w/e then anne marie and andres went down to the pool.....i didnt bring a bathing suit....but me and hilary went downstairs later and like sprawled out on some of the lawn chairs and got a lil bit of a tan....not really...haha she did......i didnt get any darker....but w/e we were sittin there and all of a sudden these guys start hittin on us and askin us our names and how old we are and junk...haha before i could answer hilary was like we're both juniors...17.....hahaha i was like psh! haha but they bought it......mostly cuz she's like 5'6 and a D cup like we pulled it off! haha well they were like over 20 cuz they had drinks in their hands. they were offerin us pizza and stuff....well me and one of the guys hit it off and we were like talkin and stuff....and so he's like what's ur name? and im like thaimi and he goes ooh wow that's unique i love it and so i was like what's ur name? and he's like's no thaimi but it's alrite...i gotta deal wit the cards im dealt hahaha! it was so funny he was soooooooo hot! i was like damn baby! he was half italian and when he found out i was cuban he was like damn.....that's hot rite there haha! but ya me and hilary went upstairs later cuz we didnt wanna be hangin out wit them and gettin in trouble or anything like ya we hung out at the rooms....i went into the juniors hotel room and hung out wit andres and me and anne marie were lying on the bed watchin this movie wit him...haha omg him and anne marie got all touchy her leg was in between his legs and she was like rubbin his arms and stuff....i was like whoa....haha after a while i was like ok that's it ima get down...haha i didnt wanna be involved wit that.....but andres kept tryin to flirt wit while we were waitin outside the hotel room for these ppls to get ready so we could go outside....i sat on the floor and he like lied down and put his head on my lap...i was like....umm.....haha and then he's like thaimi come sit here on my lap...and i was like umm ill just sit next to u instead...hehe but yea then w/e we had the banquet.....where they talked a bunch of baloney.....and then.......THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE WEEKEND! the dance!!!!!!! omg it was sooooooo much fun! i went crazy we were dancin all over the place! there were soooooo many hot guys i was like damn baby hubba hubba! haha me and andres started dancin when they put my song....cuz me and daphne requested yeah by usher....and so we were dancin and stuff....then me and daphne went off and started dancin and andres was dancin wit anne marie and caitlinn....hahaha the dance lasted from like 8 30 to like 1 in the we were there the whole entire time dancing! they started playin some spanish music and iw as like "uh oh here i go baby!" haha and this random guy comes up to me and starts dancin wit me salsa and i was like......alrite...heheh and hilary hooked up wit this boy! cuz they put a slow song and the dj's like alrite it's girl's choice and so she goes up to him and she's like u wnana dance? and the wholllllllle nite they were dancin together....and he came up to our room to say good bye to her and brought his guitar to like play for her and stuff it was cute! hahah then melissa was dancin wit this boy and he started tellin her how he wanted to get in bed wit her!!!!! hahah omg it was hilarious! he was like "hey baby im on the 8th floor...wat floor r u?!" hahahah she was like omg save me! haha so ya at like 1 in the mornin we went back to our rooms and andres ended up spendin the nite in our room....eventhough that's against the rules but shhhhh haha him and anne marie were all cuddly in the bed....she has a bf and everythin....but apparently they're on terms where they're allowed to flirt wit whoever and yea. hehe and andres was like damn thaimi i didnt know u could dance like that! haha he was like man i love this girl! y havne't i ever talked to u before woman! hahah it was funny. well w/e we fell asleep at like 2 in the morning and had to wake up at 6 30 cuz we had to check out by like 7 30 and be at the ballroom by 8 for the awards ceremony...well the awards worked out like this....1st place was superior, 2nd place was excellent, 3rd place was good and anything below didn't get a mention. so yea i ended up gettin a superior for my lecture test and we got an excellent for our play...our school was 7th in our division....but that's ok cuz we only had like 15 students as opposed to the other schools who had like 20 students which means they could score more yea then we waited for the bus..and andres sat on me...and then anne marie sat on me.....haha it was funny! omg i forgot to tell u! hahaha well we weren't sure if we wanted andres to sleep in our room cuz we didnt want him and anne marie to get all freaky in the middle of the nite...and anne marie's like no don't worry bout it nothing will happen...and then we were like but the cot is too small for the both of u (we ordered a cot so anne marie could sleep in the room wit us) and she's like no dont worry bout it cuz i dont kick or move around a lot in my sleep....and then she goes and i quote...."I'M GOOD AT SLEEPING WITH BOYS!" hahahahhahahahha omg me and andres were like haaahahahahhahahha omg! it was hilarious! haha! but we got on the bus and came home....and here i am.....tired as fuck....cuz i haven't been well rested...and in dire need of doin tons and tons of hw.....okies well ima go get to it...buhz byez

update: i forgot one more thing.....haha at the dance we were tryin to hook daphne up wit some guy..and she's like maybe i can't find anyone cuz im too picky...haha i was like "yea daph u gotta lower ur standards to anything with legs and a penis!"

tonite's song: welcome to the jungle by guns n' roses
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03-15-04 9:05pm

wow ur first taste of teenage debauchery* which everyone seemed to go through this weekend except me*...u dont chill cuz ur uncool and i dunno how to dance salsa...k that's all

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Re:, 03-16-04 6:20pm

haha i AM cool! penguin!

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