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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-16-2004 at 4:52pm
Current mood: hyper and happy
Music: Stephy playing her flute... some disney song I think.
Subject: 3 Days guys... 3!!
HOLA!! I'm sooo hyper right now! Not a darn clue why though. You'd think that I'd be all tired having just finished practice but... I'm not! It's crazy I tell you. Right now all I really wanna' do is go play catch with someone... anyone at all. So yea, forgive me if I seem crazy because you have been warned.

In 3 days I will finally be 15... finally. 14 seems so young, ya' know? I'm so happy... deeply deeply happy!!

Ya' know besides having to do lunges and sprints that the freshmen don't have to do, practicing with varsity really isn't that bad. It's actually really fun. You learn a lot quicker because you don't want to look stupid in front of the older girls, and you make so many new friends (and/or semi-friends). It's great. I got to hang out w/ Kara Emery and Larissa (wagner and herera), it was just so much fun!! Sorry, I'm being nutty. lalala. Awesomeness.

Okay so I would just like to clear one little thing up so that you will all stop asking. I do not like Zac. At least not as a boyfriend. You all may think I do but hello, this is me. Just because I talk to a guy more than once a day does not mean that I'm automatically in love with him. Okay? Good. Now that that's settled we can all move on with our lifes. (hehe not like it was that big a road block)

So anyway. This paragraphish thing is mainly to Allison. If you my child do not ask *him*, than I'm going to for you. Because you are in love with him... and I know he likes you. It's not like he's the best at hiding his emotions! So just ask him out!!! (FYI; I would never really ask him for you, that's a persuasive technique.) Just thought I'd put that out there.

Okay ya'll I'm out. Much love. Rock on.

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Less than 3, 03-16-04 6:20pm

i'm jelous. i want to practice w/ the varsity cuz the freshman prac. is waaaay easy ya know? lol

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03-16-04 8:47pm

i dont want to ask *him.. if i was going to.. id chicken out... ya know? we are even POSTIVE that he likes me... god...... stupid boys maybe i will maybe i wont.. probly wont hes sooo awesome i love bio. god..... lol such a great day... lol ok i gotta go but lylas mucho grande as always i love u all!!

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03-16-04 8:52pm

Muahahaha... I know who *he* is.

Gah, Jacqui, Jacqui, Jacqui. I never once thought that you like Zac in "that" way. Just to make you feel better.

*cheeky grin*

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Re:, 03-16-04 11:00pm

*he as in my *he or as in jacquis *he? lol talk to ya later

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Re: Re:, 03-17-04 4:09pm

Well, when you put it THAT way...


Muahahahahaha... *cough*

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Re: Re: Re:, 03-17-04 6:45pm

whos mine?

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-17-04 9:06pm


Am I right?

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-18-04 5:52pm

nope not sorry

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