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m&ms487 (profile) wrote,
on 1-2-2003 at 6:39pm
Current mood: cold
I just found out this senior that goes to my school, Drew Styles, killed himself a while ago. Gun shot. He did it b/c his girlfriend broke up with him. She's in my speech and geometry classes. I always saw them in the hallway making out. Must be really bad to be her.
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01-02-03 7:30pm

I honestly don't think it would effect me all that much. I'd feel a little guilty, but I don't think anyone would notice any change in me.

Eh, what do I know anyway, I've never had a real girlfriend.

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Re:, 01-02-03 8:11pm


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Re: Re:, 01-02-03 11:13pm

bah, at least I like girls...

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Re: Re: Re:, 01-03-03 6:58pm

Was that comment directed at some homosexual male, or was that just in general a relief that you are not a homosexual, and proud of it?

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Re:, 01-03-03 7:01pm

Don't worry, you still have about 10 years of bachelorhood left. That means you can have about 8.33 meaningful and semi-long relationships. That doesn't count one-night stands!

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im so sorry, 01-03-03 9:44pm

awww thats so horrible! i feel so bad for taht girl and the guys family. my prayers out to everyone who needs them. luv to all

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01-04-03 2:33am

Praying is like going to a zoo it doesn't hurt to do and you can do it any time.

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