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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 3-16-2004 at 10:11pm
Current mood: keepin on with the cryin
Subject: Shell
So I am cold. I am constantly cold. I dont know why I'm cold. I hate being cold. The word cold could be replaced with so many things. But its no metaphore today. I really am cold.
Also, I'm feeling fake. I just now feel like I am going through the motions of life. I go to dance because thats what I do is go to dance, I talk to friends because thats what I do is talk to friends, etc. But none of it is meaning anything to me. Not to say that the current situation was my reason to do things. But I certainly felt a lot better about myself. Is that sick? Is it something that I've been wrong and now I'm some sort of giant loser who is all shallow and shit? I like to think no. I like to think that it is normal and given some time everything will work out and I will feel good again. Everything will have meaning again.... with or without John.
But for now I'm cold and empty. Hmmm maybe thats why I'm cold. Empty things get cold... like no insulation... like an empty thremos (yeah I dont know if thats how you spell it). I'm a hot coco-less filled thermos. Now I think I should go fill up my thermos here at the dorm. If this is how it feels to be a cold thermos I'll fill that suckka up right now. Its easy to fix it. All I have to do is put the water in the microwave... dump in the powder... and I'm set.
Now for the big metaphore- (does metaphore have an e on the end? seriously someone answer me... my vote is yes) Anyway here it is. What do you do when you leave things up to someone else to make the coco? I mean I dont want them to make me coco if it really bothers them that I have coco. Like what if they are allergic to chocolate? Then I dont want any coco. But secretly I always want coco. I just dont want to kill the allergic one. And I dont want theallergic one to brave the coco just because I want some... thatd be mean.
So for now I'm a cold, empty thermos with no coco....
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i like cocoa., 03-17-04 2:19pm

i love hot cocoa, and metaphor, no e, its jsut metaphor.

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