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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 3-17-2004 at 8:39pm
Bah today, yeah....I dunno. It was just all....blah and after English
it got worse. Normally English is the high point of the day cos me
and Jess always are crazy, and Mrs. Center is awsome and she
always just laughs at us, or joins in lol. But yeah...not today. Mrs.
Millard was there. I don't mind her. It's just she isn't as ...understanding
when it comes to me and Jess being ...well stupid and immature. She
doens't find it funny, like Mrs. Center does. Yeah so I dunno it just
wasn't fun. And I dunno... lol it was funny, Mrs. Millard was walking in
front of me and Jess today on the way to lunch, and she had an open box of peppermiant patties, the small ones. and she kept dropping them and
she didn't notice, and it was like a trail of little pellets down to the lunch
room then she finally noticed when me and Jess were laughing our butts
off, felt kinda bad, but she didn't care. I think she thought it was actually
funny, lol I sure did. But yeah then Choir yeah my ankle still hurt and
everything is so crazy in choir this week and busy because we have district on Sat. and were hosting so yeah. I dunno next week will be fun
when we can actually relax again. Me and linds get to hang out Friday night and wake up bright and earlie to guide like rockford all mens choir or something lol. So yeah...I better not have to be the one to wake Linds up. back to my day. Went to Geography, lets just not talk about
that it was so stupid. And it wasn't good, at all. Story ends there. After school me and Jim went home, I really think I like him. He's so sweet, and he's always been like a brother since we were kids, but now...I dunno it's nice having someone who lives next door, who you know a lot about, knows a lot about you, you're comfortable around, your families are best friends, work together, hang out a lot, and stuff. So I dunno we'll see. Then at softball a bunch of freshman are getting moved up, and I was like catcher, and there's this really good freshman who's a catcher,s o I'm a little worried, but just gotta work hard, and no worries. Yeah. So yeah coudln't go to the game cos I coudln't catch a ride w/ anyone cos practice went so late. So I wasted 5 bucks of my own, for nothin! I know it doens't sound like much, but when your broke and dont have a job, and are saving up for a is! So yeah....I do hope the guys win though cos then tomorrow we dont have practice. Which will be nice cos my ankle has really been killin me. But ahh I luv softball, nothing's better. But yeah....hmmm what do I think about this? I think I still think I made a mistake letting you go...but I'll live with it. And for you..I'm not sure if it'd ever work, because I'm always the one still letting you take and crush my heart and put it back together again all the time, and eventually the pieces will be too small to glue together again. I don't want to deal with that all the time. It's not fair to either of us, espically me. Hmm yeah my parents are being so dumb again. Honestly....when i can drive next year....god I'll be so much happier than I have been in a long time. Trust me. Yeah, nick got his liscense today :( I'm so fucking jealous of everyone! Oh well, I'm gonna go before I rage. All my luv, Jess.
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03-18-04 5:39pm

hahahhaa mrs. millard and her Junior Mints. lol hahhahaha.

lol ah i can't stop laughing.

we are so incredibly retarted. who else crawls under the teacher's desk when she's sitting on top of it and starts meowing?


oh lord. hahaha.

you need to come to school more. :0( i hate when you're gone.

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Re:, 03-18-04 9:12pm

Yeah, I'll kick their butt's too.

ughhh Jess we gotta talk.

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03-18-04 5:40pm

oh and if those mother fuckers ruin our tape I will personally kick all of their asses!


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