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CoLoMbiAzqT (profile) wrote,
on 3-18-2004 at 4:53pm
Current mood: thirsty
Music: none
Subject: Yay Spring Break !
Finally it is Spring was so great to hear the last bell of school today. It'll be great being able to sleep in and just be lazy 24/7..or am I already ? But anyways..I'll tell you how the day went..

*Pep Rally* - Since we had the pep rally it cut all the classes time. The pep rally was good. I sat with Yelewoman,Melanie and Alexis. If i wasn't so lazy I would want to join the dance team or if I could dance...but I've never really tried. Anyways the theme was "Pirates". It was great not having to be told "4 more years" cause thats what the whole gym screamed at the freshman and we got that last year. yay only 2 more years !
- 1st period [ .intensive reading.] - after the pep rally we went to the computer lab...its so boring doing that EDL crap.
- 2nd period [ .geometry. ] - we had a teacher never seems to be here on like Fridays. I played bullshit with Corey and this kid Andrew, I soo lost.
- 3rd period [ .english. ] - we're reading "Lord of the Flies"...I don't understand what Flies has to do with kids who come from a private school and get engrossed in a jungle...
- 4th period [ .computers. ] - Did um...nothing basically
- 5th period [ .biology. ] - I was actually doing my work today !! Nicole hasn't been here for the past two days =\ because she's in the hospital because of her foot. Aww I miss her. :'(
- 6th period [ .sign language. ] - I've never heard the graduation song so many times in one day as I have today. We're practicing that song and I got it down..OoO yeah =)
- 7th period [ .world history. ] - just did some worksheet...nothing interesting really happened.

This weekend I think I might be heading to the beach again with amanda and two other girls [gasp]...weiird..but maybe it will be fun. Well i'ma go ciao
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cheese fries, 03-21-04 3:20pm

roses are red violets are pink take a shower u stink hahahahaha

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Re: cheese fries, 03-21-04 3:23pm

alex...ur so gay...u admit if that was u right after u write it lol

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Re: Re: cheese fries, 03-22-04 11:45am

roses are red violets are blue andrea all kidding aside take a shower u smell like poo lol haha jk

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Re: Re: Re: cheese fries, 03-23-04 11:50am

roses are red violets are maroon if u have helium blow up a balloon

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