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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 3-20-2004 at 1:16am
Me and Pappy are great lol! Hilarous! yOu have no fucking idea! lol it's great. So yeah...but she's a bitch. I don't care anymore. Fuck stupid poeple. They shoudl fucking a ice cream cone.
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03-20-04 9:49am

AN Horny people need to eat pickels and Banannas!!! ;) HOpe you guy made a video to watch I want to see all the funny stuff you guys have been up to. hehehe! Love you guys~Shea

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Re:, 03-21-04 12:16pm

yup we made a video. it's funny but not the best work we've done but we'll be sure to show it to you of course. <3!

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