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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 3-21-2004 at 12:34am | |
Current mood: A cross between annoyed and amused, and just maybe Subject: Another quick convo, eh. |
latindude112: what up y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sruff y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yew? latindude112: :-D latindude112: nm latindude112: just wanted to talks to you y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'm sure. latindude112: i did latindude112: lol latindude112: how is jd chans doing y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Just.. peachy.. latindude112: REALLY y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: YES o.0 latindude112: YAY latindude112: !!! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.o;; latindude112: did you talks to here latindude112: latley y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I just got home from her place o.0; latindude112: oh latindude112: kool y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Cha. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I kissed Jade o.o latindude112: has you beens talkings to here about "it" latindude112: WHAT!?! latindude112: ? latindude112: who y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Sexings. latindude112: what latindude112: where y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: when y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: where latindude112: when latindude112: how y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: why how latindude112: like a reall kiss latindude112: or just stage y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I was kidding, idiot latindude112: OH!!!!!!!!!!! latindude112: thank god latindude112: no affence y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: If you thought I was kidding, you really are dumb. latindude112: WHAT latindude112: !?! latindude112: you did y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: CAN YOU NOT TAKE A JOKE!? latindude112: listen bitch y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: XDDDDD latindude112: u wanna start sumthing latindude112: ight i got mu i got u y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: 0o0o0o0o0oh! latindude112: come on come on latindude112: i'm ready y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Someone's talking TRASH! latindude112: i got pinkys y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Lemme tell ya somethin', punk. latindude112: that was my cosin latindude112: she sat on me latindude112: and started typing y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: To get through in this world.. you must bite your own ass. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: So yeah. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: RAPIST COUSIN! latindude112: she is nuts y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: B is for BALLS! o.o latindude112: lol y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Splunge is for Splunge latindude112: wha latindude112: sorry y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Say wha? latindude112: for her latindude112: im in NY latindude112: so latindude112: its kinda latindude112: LOCO y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yer in NY? o.0; latindude112: lol latindude112: yeah y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: That's some crazed shizzzz. latindude112: yeah latindude112: i noz y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: know* y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.o y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Learn to spell, darling. latindude112: ok latindude112: i will tri y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I beg of you, pity my grammar-tastic mind and get spell check.. latindude112: ok y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: THAT WAS ON PURPOSE! >.< latindude112: listen retareted latindude112: wat da hell iz wrong wit u latindude112: lolz y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Retarded, and the correct use would be retard. latindude112: that was her agian y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: What* The* is* with* you* y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: LoLs.. though LoL is HIGHLY irrelivant! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Can we not spell? Must we abbreviate every.. single.. WORD?! latindude112: yeah latindude112: miss y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: THEY CALL IT EASY! I CALL IS STUPID! latindude112: cant you type latindude112: be right back latindude112: instead of brb latindude112: lol y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I do type be right back o.0; latindude112: oh shut up y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You. latindude112: !!!!! retarted bitch latindude112: yo latindude112: homi y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Retarded, you retard. latindude112: what the fuck is wrong with yo latindude112: you lezbo freaky freak y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: XD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I AM A LESBO! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: What are you, homophobic? latindude112: u wanna start sumthing latindude112: come on latindude112: i got my colths off latindude112: just 4 u baby latindude112: i'm aiting y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You're probably a man o.0; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: She-male, 'er something like that. latindude112: lol latindude112: its a girl latindude112: lol y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It? o.o; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You refer to yourself as it and say that you're a girl? y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: SHE-MALE! o.o latindude112: no latindude112: its me stupid latindude112: chris y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: It's. latindude112: im back y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Christopher.. latindude112: i got the nut job to the assylum y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Christopher Christopher Christopher.. Robbins. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Asylum*( y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: * latindude112: oh latindude112: shut latindude112: UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! latindude112: wa y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I tried to get back into the asylum.. but they said I was beyond help. latindude112: the latindude112: fuck latindude112: is wong latindude112: wits you latindude112: hu latindude112: hu latindude112: what dont you understand y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You want to know what's "wong' withi me? latindude112: you pyco lesbo bitch y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: with,, even. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: XDDDD y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'm a pyco! latindude112: wat dat fuck latindude112: bitch u r y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Fear my PYCO SELF! latindude112: dammmmmmmmmmmmmmm y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yanno! Yanno! latindude112: how did i no latindude112: get da fuck otta here den latindude112: dammmm y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I'mma come all up in your 'crib' and rape you senseless with a spoon! latindude112: bitch latindude112: zip it latindude112: zip it y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Use your cuss words, for they hurt not, honey buns. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I love you... be my love- slave. Please? latindude112: you latindude112: want some latindude112: huny buns latindude112: bitch latindude112: come the fuck latindude112: over here y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: 0h, dominate me XD latindude112: and get it latindude112: you little bitch y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Is it too hard to put it all in one sentence? latindude112: fuch latindude112: you y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Not to mention, I neither bark or have a dog collar.. so how am I a 'bitch'? latindude112: mizzzzzzzzzz latindude112: honey bunz latindude112: who da fuck y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Yes, dear. latindude112: you tinks you r y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Be my LESBIAN BRIDE! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I WANT TO RIDE YOU ALL NIGHT LONG! XDDD latindude112: what da fuck iz wong latindude112: wit you y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.o; y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Many many things. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Uncountable. latindude112: WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: BOOBS! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: o.0; latindude112: u no iz chris latindude112: rite latindude112: l0 latindude112: ITS NOT y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: l0? o.0; latindude112: SHE IS LYING y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Bwar. latindude112: SHE TINKS YOUR RETARTED latindude112: LOL y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Chris knows I'd kick him in the chin a couple o' times if he dare speak to me as such. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: So it must be his.. how do you say, Partner in Crime, who wants some bloody lesbian action. latindude112: LITEN YOU FUNKIN WITE ORENGE STATE FLORIDIAN BITCH y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Fear not, hormonally raging, pubescent teen. latindude112: HO latindude112: THE FUK y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: For I do not relate. latindude112: U TINK latindude112: U IZ y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: But I'm sure Dr.Ruth will. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: For she explains all foreign emotions. latindude112: OOO U GONNA GET DR RUTH ON MY ASS latindude112: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I know *-* latindude112: I'M SCARED latindude112: HELP ME HELP ME y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You shouldn't be. y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: You're on SCARE TACTICS! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: May the SQUIRRELY WRATH befall you! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Befall you and SLAUGHTER YEW AAAAAAALL! latindude112: LISTEN RETARTED I DONT NO WHO DA HELL U BEEN THINKIN U I Z latindude112: IGHT latindude112: I'M TIRED OF YA BULL y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I think I am Emily. latindude112: SHIT latindude112: CAUSE DATS IT IZ IZ latindude112: BUTLL y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: And quite frankly, sir, I'm tired of your caps lock, non-spelling, homophobic, little tush. latindude112: ECUSE ME U BITCH WAT DA FUCK IZ WRONG WIT YO ASS latindude112: U NEED SUM FUCKIN PILLS BICH latindude112: BITCH y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Pills? y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: PILLS?! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: ME?! XDDD latindude112: YEA YO y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: BAHAHAHHAA! You must be mistaken, FELLOW! latindude112: NO latindude112: ME y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: For I need no pills! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Pills are but an illusion! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: FREE YOUR MIND! y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: FREE latindude112: hello y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: YOUR y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: MIND! latindude112: you sill latindude112: sane latindude112: my cosin is gone y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: I was never sane to begin with! latindude112: to take a shower latindude112: ok latindude112: i g2g latindude112: but ill talk to you laters latindude112: bye latindude112: bye y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Right y0ursw33tsu1c1d3: Bai Who ever she was, she annoyed me ^-^ Where'd I put that NY ticket and my spoon.. >.>; Hemm.. yes.. anyways.. HI GUYS! I DDRed Thrusday night, felt gewd, did shit the rest of the weekend. Just to let you know, RETARDED ANIMAL BABIES totally R0XX0R! Find them on New Grounds ( under like.. "Series" or "Collections" or something.. Or RAB in the search.. something like that.. But just check them out XD BAI! <3 <3<3<3 Aishiteru ~Em-chan |
Post A Comment |
A-Demons-Angel | XD, 03-21-04 1:19pm That was amusing.
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: XD, 03-21-04 1:23pm May the SQUIRRELY WRATH befall you! >.>; And stuff..
Aerii | 03-21-04 11:05pm She was annoying.
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re:, 03-22-04 1:58pm What a binitch.. I say we gang-rape her with our dull spoons..