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box (profile) wrote,
on 3-21-2004 at 2:15am
Current mood: Tired as fuck
Subject: Johnny's
Tonight was pretty awsome, I went to Johnny's, There were alot of people there. I pretty much just walked around, messed with some people, got in some towel fights and stupid stuff like that will richard and colton. A few fights almost broke out so i helped as security. Then as the night was almost over, this guy walks up when we were blocking the doors and says "If i dont take my pills right now im going to have a seisure , and then i will sue this place" then like 10 minute later he walks in the door, is perfectly fine, then he sees that im looking at him so he grabs the wall and then lets himself fall and starts pretending to have a seisure as well as his friends/family that were there to help with the act. It was obvious that he was faking it but we still called 911, we figured if he was wiling to go thru that much trouble, he can pay for a 1500 dollor ambulance ride.

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03-21-04 10:15am

did you guys ask him if he wanted an ambulience?

if you guys didn't ask him or he didn't want one then johnny's will have to pay for it.
(was discussing this with my old store manager and how much of bullshit it is)

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Re:, 03-21-04 8:02pm

Yea, his "girlfriend" and brother asked us to.

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Re: Re:, 03-21-04 8:03pm

in the words of jay


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Re: Re: Re:, 03-23-04 4:36pm

yeah, i'm sure he meant JOHNNY'S. And a little note, sucking off the real security gaurds is not considered security work. It's kind've sad how much less believable the lies about "how cool you are" are getting.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-24-04 8:14pm

Yea whatever james. Justin has even seen the place. And i dont want to hear about your latest fantasy. Its not my problem you dont have any good stories to tell about what you did over the weekend.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-25-04 4:05pm

Well I'm sorry that your "good stories" are really bad lies.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-25-04 4:50pm

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03-25-04 11:02pm

Yea you wish jimi, Funny how you would know of such a placy called johnny boy or whatever, must be a place you dream of visiting.

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