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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 3-21-2004 at 4:57pm
Current mood: content
Music: lifehouse...dont know what number and im too lazy to look...
Subject: open ur mouth and say AHHHHH! hehe i dunno..
well my aunt and uncle came yesterday wit my cousins and stuff....and my cousin and my uncle left this mornin cuz they had to go to work and stuff...but my aunt and my lil cousin stayed cuz they're goin to orlando wit us tomorrow. i got my hair cut.....ahhh it's really really short..its like an inch above my shoulder! haha it still looks cute just takes some gettin used to. i also got a pedicure AND a manicure...i convinced my aunt not to put acrylics on me cuz my nails r finally growin back from the last time she did it..and if she does it again my nails r gonna get all ruined ya my nails look so purdy! and in a lil while ima get my eyebrows scared cuz she said she's gonna do it wit wax and i've never used wax's gonna hurt like a bitch! hehe oh wellz! come on thaimi take it like a woMAN! im a loser! uh oh..tonite im goin bathin suit shoppin .. which means...feelin crappy bout myself....and lookin it! oh wellz....u know? i was thinkin bout it ... and fuck it! i dont give a shit if i look fat in a bathing suit or w/e.....cuz i mean im just gonna be in the pool wit my family and stuff...and it's not like im ever gonna see any of those stranger ppls ever again's not like im tryin to look good for any guys or w/e cuz i already got a yea.....ive decided not to care! im just gonna get w/e bathin suit looks decent....get in the pool....and get myself a long awaited tan! im so excited...i dont member what i look like wit a tan but i member it was muchhhhhh better than without one! i haven't had a tan since i moved from its hot as fuck outside so i could use some goin into the excited.....hehe and disney world! whoooooo! that's always a blast! oh god yesterday my aunt, uncle, step dad, and cousin would not leave me alone! they were like so who's this lil boyfriend of urs...i was like he's not a bf he's just a friend....and they're like yea yea w/e....what's his name? and haha oh god my grandma totally butchered his name soo bad! she said his name was cheney! as in the vp!! hahahahahhahah i was like the fuck did u get cheney from ppls im livin wit...btw i would like to congratulate cesar on finally updating!!!!! :::CLAPS!::: well proud of u! AND peter! haha disregard that last statement por favor......anywayz i better be goin cuz i wanna send my baby an email. buhz byez peeps! muah!

tonite's song: does he love you by reba and kelly clarkson
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03-21-04 5:08pm

have fun....ill miss you!!!

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Re:, 03-21-04 5:32pm

aww me too my purdy lil porcupine!

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Re: Re:, 03-21-04 7:01pm

i won't miss u...cuz ill be in school..but w/e....tom ima go to office depot to see how much the pins i can decide whether i want the ones from office depot *which are bigger so my name could be bigger but they are square* or if i want the ones from michael's which are like actual pins..and are yeah...and i need to get banner paper...and oo oo buying my in the summer or at the end of the year...i can wear my class of 2006 jersey...and look hotter than usual..hehe..and waxing ur eyebrows...i love that...btw ive drank lots and lots and lots of water

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