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0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 (profile) wrote, on 3-22-2004 at 1:27pm | |
Current mood: Splunge. o.o Subject: I'm a REAL post! *-* |
Hey dewds.. been a while since I had a REAL post.. Spring Break began and it's already going too fast. Don't you hate that? Anyways, I shalt reflect and dwell on past events.. from the beginning of this.. how you say.. 'break'. >.>; :: Thursday :: School school school, blah blah blah. OKAY! During 6th period, Melissa Z. and I were like.. high or something, I swear, we were all like "Ha.. esophogus.. haaa... Pumpernickel.. BAHAHAHAHHA!" So then, Mr.Piedra was getting all pissed off and told everone not to talk once more until the period was over. So me, being the smart person, scribbled "Pumpernickel" on a peice of paper and raised my hand. When Sir Piedra called on me, I held up this peice of darling paper with a smile. He said "Pumpernickel?" and Melissa and I burst out laughing! We were like.. twitching and writhing and hacking and not breathing. It was too funny. I don't know what pumpernickel has to do with anything, but s'good. After school ended, I donned my lovely Sailor Moon shirt and proceeded to trance about with my homiiies. Krishna came and got the Jade and I and we went to Jade's. I fell asleep, then Erik picked us up in his convertable. WOOSH! And so we got to Boomers and found our darling Lo-Ra. Lo-Ra and I DDRed (WOOT!) and then played this Juraissac Park game I would not give up! I finally did, we wandering about until we left. I ended up sleeping at Jade's. Fun. We watched Robin and Inu Yasha, and I stayed on the laptop in her room until the sun had already risen. :: Friday :: I slept a few hours.. and stuff. :: Saturday :: I slept at Jade's again, the next day Rik came over and we had fun. Of course, we watched Samurai X, I scraped my toe open on a controller and didn't notice until I had smeared some blood on Jade's white comforter (^-^; Sorry Jade-baby) Then, I was running around Jade and Rik (They weren't moving, so I had to entertain myself) and would roll over the bed, land, run about and do it again. Then.. Rik TRIPPED me and I got bad rug burn on my knee. ~shakes fist~ Curse yew! Now my knee is all red! And poky! And I bet if I try to shave it I'll cut it open! <.<; >.>; You think I kid? Anyways, my parents and Bothers (yes, Bothers) came over for dinner and a 'buisness meeting'. We had Sushi Jazz (~drool~) and it was goood.. Though I had a canker sore (T.T Still do, and it hurts like a Jade). Feh, no matter. Rik left after that, then I did, and Jade was left. With Her Lonely Self . XD I'm stupid, don't rub it in. ANYWAYS! I was home for the first time since I left for school on Thursday. It was crazy. :: Sunday :: I get up, grudgingly, and clean the cat litter, but of course. Pissants. >.>; I don't.. really.. remember.. AH! IT'S MONDAY! Anywas, continuing. I had to make chicen burgers (Never touch raw, shredded chicken x.x;) I didn't know if you had to do something special other than shape them, so I called my mommy. Who had apparentally left the night before for South Beach. Anyways, my dad picked up and blew up at me for calling mom instead of asking him for help. So I hang up and cried in the laundry room. o.o;; Why I cried, I still do not know.. Must be a chick thing. o.0; But it annoyed me. Anyways, I made teh burgers, I ate, I RPed, I watched 'Johnny English'. The man is genius T.T <3<3<3 :: Monday :: Well, not much happened.. I was having a dream, I don't know what the opressor of it was, I forgot (^-^;) But the dream phone kept ringing! I'd pick it up, and it'd still ring! I did this atleast 3 times and almost started crying with frustration, whence I woke up, finding that the REAL phone NEXT to me was ringing >.< And the person kept on calling.. and calling.. So I pick it up, half asleep, and growl "What do you WANT?!" It was my mommy.. -_-; Why my little brothers didn't pick up, only heaven knows, for they were WIDE AWAKE! >.< My daddy was at a meeting. So she was calling to wake me up, which she did, telling me to get ready for the dentist -_-;; Yay.. Fucking dentist, YIPPEE! >. So I get up about a half an hour later, get dressed, scrub at my teeth.. I get there, I get 4 x-rays and a large cleaning, but I had no cavities *-* Thank the stars. She brushed my teeth with this like.. rasberry lemonade shit, then gave me fluoride to swish, which I gagged on. Uck, nasty ass stuff.. So now I'm here, posting in my journal. Those are my days.. and I'm PROUD! I'm working on this stuff that Onee-san gave me, it's like journal HTML to make it all spiffy. Like make a background out of a piccha and move the journal table about and such. ANyways, ta, my overbearing friends. Lovely day ^-^ <3<3 Aishiteru ~Em-chan |
Post A Comment |
Angel_Bob | 03-22-04 5:16pm Glad you had fun. |
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re:, 03-22-04 6:41pm Thanks ^-^
A-Demons-Angel | ~pouts~, 03-22-04 6:48pm But you didn't say what happened Friday night!
0x-FwAh-Em-ChAn-x0 | Re: ~pouts~, 03-23-04 2:06pm ~blinks~ Friday.. Friday night?